Friday, March 14, 2014

You Can Call Me Bart

(Please forgive me for writing this in the third person. Or third dog, if you will.)

Hey everyone!

My name is Bart. I am writing you from my new home. The last two days have been an absolute whirlwind. From what I understand, my new mom saw my information online while she was getting a pedicure. She tried to run out of the salon but everyone was worried her nails weren't dry! She couldn't wait to go home and show my dad my picture. The place I was at is called an animal shelter, and although everyone was pretty nice to me, they didn't know anything about me, not even my name. They called me A2254. What kind of a name is that?

I was pretty excited when this boy and girl came up to my kennel at the animal shelter. They practically ran to me and blocked off the door so no one else could see me. My mom fed me snacks after she made sure no one was looking. They tasted like peanut butter! She must have been prepared to meet me. The boy went to get a volunteer who brought out a leash. I don't have very good manners, so when she opened the door I tried to run out, but she caught me and put me on a tiny leash. The boy and girl took me for a short walk. I don't know how to walk on a leash, but I do know that I wanted to smell everything that I possibly could. It was so nice just to be outside of that kennel!

I think the boy and girl liked me, because they went to get their dog, Ruby. She came to the other side of the fence to meet me. I wanted to sniff her very badly, but she just decided to touch noses and she seemed to think I was alright. She waited in the car while mom and dad talked to a volunteer about me. The volunteer didn't know my story, she thought that I was maybe surrendered by my owner, and then she lifted my tail! She said something about "big cajones" but I don't know what that means. All I know is that the boy and girl looked at each other and nodded, and suddenly I was dragging them toward the front door. Unfortunately, we couldn't leave just that second. I had to be tested for heartworms, whatever that means. The last sight I caught of the girl, she had her hands clasped and was whispering as she looked up at the ceiling.

I didn't mean to, but I was so nervous as they checked me for heartworms that I peed everywhere. I mean, there must have been gallons coming out of me. I think I was so excited and nervous that I just couldn't handle myself. It took two tests, but soon someone told mom and dad that I was heartworm negative. The volunteer handed my leash to my new dad, and he took me outside into the sunshine. Mom did paperwork, and as she did, the lady at the desk stopped her and said, "Someone canceled their appointment. Do you want him to get neutered today?"

The original plan was to go home with Dad right away and to get a bath, and come back to be neutered on Saturday. Unfortunately or fortunately, my mom was glad to set up the neutering procedure that day. The problem with getting neutered that day was that I can't take a bath for at least three days. My stitches are dissolvable so I cannot lick them and especially cannot take a bath! I smell terrible! I was kept in a kennel that wasn't big enough for me, and I had to potty in there. I couldn't hold it forever! Since I am what they call a long-haired German Shepherd, there are lots of layers to get through before I can smell clean again.

Mom and Dad said "goodbye", and after they talked to the vet, I went back to have the procedure done. I'm two years old, and rather fond of my "cajones", but I guess it won't be the worst thing to let them go. As long as Mom and Dad come back for me, I will be okay.

Mom went back to work for a few hours. I imagine that she couldn't concentrate nor sit still while she was away from me. I felt the same way. The vet had to give her extra instructions when she picked me up around 5:30. I have an ear infection and hookworms, but things could always be worse! I couldn't wait to get in mom's car. She opened the back door and I waited for her to roll down the window. I stuck my head out for a few minutes as we drove away, but decided to lie down to nap once I knew we were going to be in the car for a while. At one point, mom forgot I was there, and she almost jumped when she saw me in the rear view mirror. She told me that I look like a bear!

I know I'm a big guy; I weigh 71.6 pounds and mom can feel all of my ribs. I have long hair which hides it, but I think I could definitely put on a few pounds! I have huge feet, and once could have had the potential to be much bigger, but I wasn't fed well and so I am underdeveloped. That's okay. Mom and Dad seem to like me the way I am--even though I smell like the kennel, pee, and who knows what else.

When they brought me home, I met my new sisters. One is very old but very pretty, and I like to follow her around. I would actually love it if she would be my girlfriend, but she is not interested. My other sister is about three times my age, and she just likes to play. I guess she is the alpha female in the house, because she keeps trying to assert her dominance on me. I am not sure what she is trying to prove by humping me, but I guess if it makes her feel better, whatever! After I met my new sisters, mom and dad were going to go to the store to get me some essentials, but I am kind of a brute and tried to break out through the gate in the backyard. They ended up having to take me to the store.
It ended up being okay that I went with, because I met my trainer at Petsmart, and he told mom and dad what to do when I start yipping. He also helped them by giving them information about crate training.

I don't know what crates are but I really don't know if I like mine. Mom and Dad kind of dove in and I was okay with it for about two hours before I about had an anxiety attack. Today was better. The crate is where I get hot dogs! I think I will be okay with the crate; it will just take a few days to adjust. Luckily for mom and dad, I am already housetrained. I know I had an owner at one point, but they left me tethered outside for most of my life. That's why I tend to bark a lot at other dogs. I really like to be inside. I hardly ever go outside unless it is to go potty or play with my sisters.

I played for nearly two hours with my sister earlier today. She loves to wrestle and play chase. I don't mind because it just feels good to stretch my legs. Mom gave me Benadryl at midnight last night, and again around 10 this morning. It helped calm my nerves so I was able to take a few good naps today.

I swear, when I got to my new home, it was like I had never peed before. Mom and dad laughed but I bet I peed five gallons in the backyard. I was just so nervous when I was at the shelter! I also threw up most of the food they fed me there, but I haven't thrown up anything my new mom and dad have given me. I grew up around girls so I pee like one. And even though I can never be totally sure that they will keep me forever, I feel much more comfortable here.

Mom and Dad are impressed by every little thing I do. When I learned I am not supposed to drink out of the toilet, they cheered. When I learned that dogs aren't allowed in the kitchen, they were very excited. I still forget this rule, but they keep reminding me. Every time I go in my kennel by myself, they give me pieces of hot dogs and tell me what a good boy I am. That's why it is easy to like the kennel! In fact, right now I am relaxing in my kennel. Mom keeps increasing the time I am in there. At first. I would only be in my kennel for about thirty seconds before she opened the door. Now I can be in my kennel for much longer without whining! I have quickly realized that the kennel is a magical place where I can just relax and get treats.

One thing I do not like about my new house is the cone of shame. I have to wear it whenever I start licking the stitches I have where my cajones used to be. Mom tries to distract me when I start so I don't have to wear it, but she can't watch me every second of the day.

I think I have been very therapeutic for mom. For some reason, I was meant to show up to the shelter when I did. Mom had been looking for me for months, but this week was the week I decided to show up at the shelter. For some reason, I was meant to go home with her yesterday so I could be with her today. I think she is going through a rough time because sometimes I look at her and she is crying. I don't know what an uncle is but she gets sad when she thinks about him. Hopefully I can make her feel better!

She is trying to make me feel better, too, but I really hate getting nystatin in my ears. I always know it's coming, too, so I try to hide in my kennel. She leaves me alone when I am in my kennel, so I have been able to escape the medicine a few times, but tonight she got both ears and then gave me some nasty tasting stuff so I don't have hookworms any more. I heard her talking on the phone, too, and I have to go to the vet on Wednesday. Hopefully my infections will be gone by then, and my surgical site from neutering will be healed up. I'm sure the vet will check me all over before he gives me the dreaded rabies shot. Mom can't wait to get me to the vet, though, because once we are done there and I get started on heartworm preventative, I can go to the groomer and maybe I won't smell so bad! Also, I'll get to go to the dog park. I have never been there but mom and dad like to go there every weekend. Today they discovered that I LOVE to chase tennis balls, but I don't always like to bring them back. I think they were just happy I showed some interest, because my sisters couldn't care less about tennis balls!

I'm pretty fast for a big guy. I look like a bear when I run. Mom and Dad can't wait to see if I like running once I start feeling better. They also think I will build up a lot of muscle once I put on some weight! Chances are, I'll get better looking every day. Soon I will learn some manners. Right now, I run into everything and everyone. When I have to wear the cone, I run into even more things. Mom cringes when I run into her china hutch. I've only done it twice and luckily I haven't broken anything yet!

Well, I just wanted to let you know that I am adjusting well. Thanks for tuning in to my adventures as a dog who finally has a home and family.

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