Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Whirlwind

I think it's safe to say that my life with Chris has been an absolute whirlwind, from meeting him, to marrying him, to following him across the country again, and again, and yes, again.

That's right, we are headed to Texas!

Chris' selection for flight school was today. I had switched days at work so I could work Monday and have today off to support him. My plan was to get him up early and go for a long run to kill some serious time. WELL, Christopher didn't get up too early, but we did go for a 5.5 mile run this morning. We hurried back so I could shower because I had someone coming over to buy an office chair; I was originally going to sell it at the garage sale I am a part of this weekend, but this lady wanted to buy it early! I was very happy about that-it's just one less thing to lug over.

I wasn't sure that it would be the best timing, but it turns out it is perfect-if we sell this stuff this weekend, then we have that much less to pack up in a couple of weeks.

Yes, a couple of weeks. We didn't get any definite answers about what the next few weeks would be like, but his report date in Kingsville, TX, is likely August 18. So, I will set up another move and get us out of here before the end of July so we can settle in Texas. Housing in Kingsville is scarce, so I have been all over Facebook spouses' groups asking for advice and what to do next! I have some "gouge" as Chris would call it, and at least know what direction to go from here.

It's a 12-hour drive from here, meaning we will make it in a day. Chris is allotted ten days of house-hunting leave, so if we don't find a place right away, we will figure it out. I like to plan, I usually sign a lease the day we get into town, or sign one before we even get there. We have been so lucky to have amazing landlords along the way.

I hate that I am leaving my good friend, Sarah, and her baby Addie across the street. Having one of my best friends as my neighbor is unbelievable. I have been so blessed having her for when I need her or need to talk.

It is amazing that Chris selected this week. He had a lot of help along the way from staff and instructors, but I can't remember the last time I prayed so hard. I prayed on Friday because Chris was supposed to go on a cross-country, but something was wrong with his plane, so they had to turn around. He was supposed to complete three flights that day, rest on Saturday in St. Louis, and then fly back home in three flights on Sunday. Our brother-in-law was having his birthday party in St. Louis that weekend, so it was amazing that Chris would be able to go and see some of his family there. I find it hard to believe that my praying didn't have a hand in that, especially when Chris got another plane that Friday and made it.

Or how about on Monday? When he had two flights to do but was barely able? Or Tuesday when he got into a plane twice for his last flight, but had to get out due to lightning, had an instructor give up on him, and somehow at the end of the day he managed to snag another plane, instructor, and window of decent weather to finish? Or how about that he was the only Marine to select this week in Pensacola, which could have also increased his chances?

Like I said, I don't know that I have ever prayed so hard. Once we found out he was selecting today, I had a new subject to pray about. This time it was, "God, I don't know what your plan is. I just pray that Chris is happy."

We went to base today around noon so Chris could show me around Whiting Field. I had never seen the simulators, nor had I seen any of the buildings he has been talking about for the last five months. He had a few things to show me and then it was just a matter of killing time before we found out what Chris is going to fly for the rest of his career as a Marine. We were supposed to meet with the Commanding Officer of his squadron around 1:30, but we were called into his office a little before that, which took us both by surprise. Since Chris was the only one selecting, he just had us come into our office. I have a lot of respect for his CO, because he was open and honest and gave us some things to really think about.

He told Chris that Marines care about him being an officer more than him being an aviator, because you can teach a monkey to fly but you can't instill what it means to be an officer in just anyone. He reminded Chris that he could have an amazing career, but there are three things that are more important, because without those three things that career means nothing. He said that "Faith, Family, and Honor" come first. He told me that my support was going to be a deciding factor in how Chris did in further schooling. I really appreciated the time and thought he put into what he had to say.

Then he said, "Well, I know you are still waiting for what you really want to hear. I know you really wanted C-130s, but the Marine Corps just doesn't have any spots for those right now...but they do have jets." Chris said, "Shit", in disbelief. I flung my hands toward my face in disbelief. I started crying. Chris might have, too. I don't even know. The CO asked me if I was disappointed, and I feverously shook my head, "Not at all!" Chris had gone back and forth between jets and C-130s every day for nearly six months, and he got one of his top two picks. It's really unbelievable. We are blessed beyond belief to have each other, and now this, and an amazing group of friends that came out to support us and cheer us on tonight. Our friends are really selfless and wonderful people.

I keep catching his eye across the room and he gives me that look like, "We're really doing this."

And so our Most Excellent Marine Corps Adventure continues. :)

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome, Mo! It is amazing how everything worked out, but as we said this week, so many times-what happens, happens for a reason. I think we now know what that was! :) I love what Chris' CO said-so true. And I love how good of friends you have made and how supportive you all are of each other! Mostly, I am so happy for you both. I am still laughing about my facebook message from Chris yesterday morning saying, "Changed my mind. Want jets now." I guess he was right. :) Love you!
