Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Noise Advisory

I woke up this morning to an oddly sunny morning with the rumble of thunder in the distance. It wasn't actually a long rumble like normal, though, just little short bursts of rumbling. How odd, I thought?

From what I understand, it's supposed to rain today, so then it made more sense. And then I read that there is a noise advisory on base from 0600-1700. So that noise is actually artillery. I'm praying that it doesn't rain on my husband this week. I know exactly how many pairs of cammies, underwear, and socks he took with him. And I really hope it doesn't rain.

I'm watching "Orange is the New Black" on Netflix-totally addicted. It is a VERY clever show.

I need to get up in a little while. Mostly because I'm hungry, but also because I need to clean the house before everybody comes over tonight! Rachele is working the pool so I might head on over there while I can. Work hasn't called this week yet (I'm PRN for those of you who don't know) to ask me to come in. I'm hoping to get a bunch of work in before my parents come to town. I want a big paycheck before they get here!

Katie flies in on Thursday and stays with me until Saturday. Brandt and Lukow graduate on Saturday, so she finally gets to see her man after six weeks of OCS! I remember those days. They were awful! But they don't really end! Because once again Chris is gone, without his phone. I can't wait for him to come home, as always.

Lucky for me, we made steaks on Sunday night, pasta on Sunday afternoon for his friends, and I had made some apple dumplings earlier in the week You know what that means?

I haven't cooked yet since Chris left. And it has been wonderful. All I have to do tonight for the party is make a little guacamole. I am glad for that, because I've been so lazy. I did, however, get some lunches together on Sunday to take with me for some of Chris' friends in the barracks. They have been ragging on me because I sent a lunch for one of the other single Marines.

Poor Chris-I was feeling very emotional and lonely long before he left this time. First it makes very snooty toward him, and then it makes me all needy and on the verge of tears. So he spends the first half of the day trying not to tick me off and the second half giving me hugs every five minutes so I don't cry. It's not fun to say goodbye.

I love the ways I try to spend my time, though. I went to IKEA yesterday and got a little four-box shelf for all of my cookbooks. They barely fit. I can probably buy about two more cookbooks before I run out of room.

Oops. If I hoard anything, it might be cookbooks.

Ruby has been driving me crazy. She doesn't like noise when the Princess is trying to rest. So the artillery on base and the vacuum and "Orange is the New Black" on my laptop is severely irritating her. I put her outside. She can stay out there until she can calm down. I am SO excited to have everybody over tonight! I'm making margaritas!

We got our company cookbook put together, and I am considering getting a couple of extra as gifts because I am so proud of us for getting it put together. HUGE shout-out to Tara for coming up with the idea AND putting it together. It's going to be fabulous-we have some really great cooks amongst us.

Okay. Time to clean. Time to get ready. Party in 8 hours!

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