Alright, so what do we know about the Greek God, Zeus?
He is often depicted with a beard. He can control lightning and thunder. There are a couple of other factoids but they do not pertain to my child, so we will go from here.
First off, the baby's name should be Zeus. If it's a girl, we have a problem because I don't think there is a feminine version of Zeus, but here's why:
About once a month, I break out in a beard of zits. I wish I was kidding. My chin and my neck erupt into a pubescent storm of hormones. These are two areas I don't normally suffer from acne. It is quite disgusting, and makes me think of Zeus.
When Zeus gets angry, he starts storms with thunder and lightning. Now I'm not saying that we have an inherently angry baby, what I'm saying is that if he/she does not like what I'm eating, my stomach rumbles and I need to find a bathroom-quick.
I don't need to dwell on this. Most of you read my last post.
Lastly, Zeus throws bolts of lightning. Have you ever experienced the horrible phenomenon known as "lightning crotch"? This term, I am 100% certain, is a scientific term. You will just be sitting there, minding your own business, passionately daydreaming about your wonderful baby growing inside of you and how much you will love each other, and then there is a strong burst of energy like an electric fence to your hoo-ha that about knocks you off of your chair. This is a real thing, guys. Beware.
Pregnancy has been quite evil to my body. I escaped the ruckus of morning sickness for the most part, only experiencing the need to run to a restroom in the morning a handful of times. Instead I had sickness at night, feeling terrible from the hours of 5-10pm in the first trimester. It was not a "throw-uppy" type of feeling, more of just a general on-my-deathbed feeling.
The second trimester dropped this problem and moved onto another, this one much more life-altering leaving me unable to look the other way, literally.
I woke up at 2am on Friday morning (for, I don't know, my sixth pee break?) and attempted to turn my head. I found myself completely unable, my neck a solid mass of sore muscle and a pounding, horrible headache wrapping around my occipital region, like a band. I attempted to fall back asleep, hoping it would go away (how naive). I lay in bed for an hour and a half, unable to sleep, unable to move, debating if it would be wise to call in to work. I even googled, "is it bad to call in to work for neck pain?". Fortunately, the internet made me feel a wee bit better about my decision to call in. That was, until, I actually dialed the phone and the manager told me that I was the second person to call in, and there may be repercussions for calling in during a holiday week.
How hard it is to hold back that part of yourself that says, "WELL, I can't move my head without crying out in pain. It should be super easy to take care of patients for the next 13 hours. I just worked Christmas Eve (without time-and-a-half pay) AND Christmas Day, and thought about calling in, but didn't." But, being the delightful person that I am, even in terribly excruciating pain, I apologized. And then later apologized to my boss.
I'm irritated that I still felt guilty.
I had to call around to 7 salons before I found a place that had an opening for a massage that day. It was over an hour away but it just didn't matter anymore. I couldn't turn my head to look to see if cars were in the other lane. I had to rely on mirrors. That's scary.
When I got to the massage appointment, the therapist told me, "Since this is a prenatal massage, I'm sure you have lower back pain and leg pain, so we'll focus on that."
"Actually, I only have neck and shoulder pain, and I'm dying. Can we focus on that?"
She responded by telling me, "Well, we will focus on that, and if I have time, I will do your arms and legs and whatever else we have time for!"
She was very nice, and as much as she improved how I was feeling she might be my favorite person that ever lived.
So, for the next 45 minutes (entire duration of the massage), she focused ONLY on my neck and shoulders. About five minutes in, she told me that it was really bad. 10 knots just on the left side, 7 on the right. One right along the ligament from my neck to shoulder that was so big it felt like a growth, and it burst like an egg sac spewing more knots from itself. It was disgusting. And as much as it hurt, it felt so much better when she was done. Massages never seem to last long enough, but I'm telling you I would have done anything for another fifteen minutes.
I also picked up some lavender oil and Blue Oil from Aveda which are both supposed to help a ton with helping one relax. I think it has helped. I think oils do work wonders, but ESPECIALLY so when you believe in them. Like, half a placebo. Hint: Blue Oil is also supposed to help with hot flashes. This could be a lifetime worship of Blue Oil.
On the recommendation of another massage therapist, I took a bath that night complete with bath fizzies, 6-to-8 cups of apple cider vinegar, epsom salt, and a couple of drops of lavender oil. I may have overdone it. I don't know that it did anything but a bath is a bath and I had time to read "Yes Please" by Amy Poehler.
I think it's kind of amazing I survived as long as I did pre-massage without completely tensing up like I did. I had to start taking Tylenol for the pain, which helped for a couple of weeks, and then I discovered a yoga routine specifically for headaches which helped a bunch after work. This worked or another couple of weeks. The chiropractor once a week helped until last week. I normally see a different chiropractor but since his wife had a baby, he wasn't there and someone else was there in his place. She stretched my neck but did not crack it, even though I asked her to, specifically. She didn't do much with my neck and I didn't leave feeling any better. A couple of days later (Friday), was the worst day of my pregnancy thus far.
Pregnancy is not fun, people. I think once he or she starts kicking, it be a reminder that all of this is quite worth it. In fact, soon it will be a nearly constant reminder that this is all worth it. And it should happen at any time! I'm currently 17 weeks along and in three weeks we will get to see our little one on the sonogram again. Last time we saw he/she, they were just a little blob on the screen.
Can I just tell you how horribly awful it is to say goodbye to your husband when you are pregnant? I honestly don't know how women allow their husbands to get deployed when they are pregnant. (Haha! "Allow.") I dropped Chris off at the airport for a week-long trip to Nebraska over Christmas while I stayed behind to work on Christmas Eve and Day. There were lots of reasons to be disappointed about him leaving. Mostly because he would be gone for a week, and I worried about stupid things like feeling the baby kick for the first time but him not being around to witness my reaction. Or not being together on Christmas. But most of all because something about the second trimester has made me absolutely obsessed with my husband. Not in any creepy sort of way, although the way I'm about to describe this is totally creepy.
I'm obsessed with the way he smells. I think he smells better than all the wildflowers and pizza in the world. I like to always be touching him. When we're sleeping, I always want part of me touching him. It doesn't even matter if it is my toes on his toes. I have to have it. The more pregnant I get, the cuter he becomes about it. He touches my belly and tells me "You really look pregnant." And I pretend to be super offended when really I love it. He makes me feel beautiful. Even when I look in the mirror and attempt to suck in my gut, and it doesn't move a centimeter, I still feel pretty. He's a good man, a great husband, and he's going to be an amazing dad.
And he doesn't judge me when I say I want a coffee from the drive-thru and then order a burger.
SO, needless to say, I bawled like a baby when I got to my car after leaving him at the airport. And then I cried at home. And then I teared up on Christmas Eve when he wasn't there. And then I cried when I was waiting at the airport to pick him up. Because that is what I do now. I cry.
I cry. And then I pee. Because for some reason my body has decided that every 1-2 hours is enough time to pass before I pee. Even if, when I pee, it's the equivalent of 1/8 cup.
It's weird that I'm kind of like a giant baby with all the crying and peeing.
Alright, well, I'm done boring you for the evening. As always, thanks for reading.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
Listen up here, people. This blog post is gonna get real. It's really gonna put it all out there. I promised myself that I would be HONEST when I was blogging throughout this pregnancy, and this will be one of the worst. I'll save the ugliness for the end.
Spoilers aside, I am exhausted. We are still down to one vehicle, so Chris had to pick me up last night from work. People took WAY too long for report, so I made him sit in the car for half an hour. I felt terrible. I convinced him to go to Chili's for dinner with me. I ordered a burger and honestly, I was so tired that I just quit eating because it was too much work to lift my burger to my mouth. I wish I was joking. I'm supposed to work four days in a row next week, and I honestly don't think I can do it. This was the first time I felt REALLY pregnant. I am so glad to have a couple of days off.
Veteran's Day was spent together, a nice change since Christopher was on duty ALL day last year. We went out for a couple of our meals that day; I like to make sure that waiters/waitresses are properly tipped because often times that with free food, we forget we should still tip on the full amount. :) We had our second baby appointment so we went to iHop for brunch before the appointment. We were in a rush, but totally could have taken our time. My doctor was in a delivery and nearly an hour and fifteen minutes late. The time didn't seem to take too long, though, with Christopher being my entertainment until the doctor got there. It was worth the wait because for the first time, we heard our baby's heartbeat. We saw it at out last appointment, just a tiny flicker on the screen. It was so neat to hear it, although the radio was loud in the exam room and our doctor asked, "Do you hear it?"
"No, I hear Usher."
"Oh. Well listen again."
Then I heard it loud and clear. Nothing else mattered. I asked Chris, "Do you hear it, honey?" He did. He was in love, just like me. I could tell by the sound of his voice.
This is where my beautiful words melt away and I tell you what happened after lunch. This is your final warning to STOP here and not read further, because if you are a bad, "judgey" person you will honestly never look at me the same again.
Moving on.
There is an event on base in early December for Chris' squadron and their spouses. I get to wear his flight suit and see what he does all day. I even get my own patch with a "call sign" on it.
That rotten husband of mine decided that he would have my patch made with the call sign, "Chili's" on it. And this is why. We went out to Chili's for our second meal of the day. Chris ate for free and I got some lunch as well. Lunch was good. I thought my sweet potato fries were a little underdone but I can't complain too much. (Considering I eat everything in sight most days.)
WELL, on the way home, I told Chris I didn't feel well and started crying. He asked, "What's wrong". I looked at him and said, "I honestly don't know if I am going to throw up or crap my pants." He said, "What should I do?" I tried to (but failed) to say nicely, "Get me home. Don't talk to me. Don't touch me. And DON'T get in my way."
When we got home, he jumped out of the car and ran to open doors for me, but to no avail. I did not make it to my destination.
I am sorry to say that my husband witnessed something I didn't think he would see for another 70 years or so.
It was so unfortunate. And when our baby is an awful teenager, crying that he or she hates me, I will tell him what he put me through while he (or she) was just the size of a fig.
Spoilers aside, I am exhausted. We are still down to one vehicle, so Chris had to pick me up last night from work. People took WAY too long for report, so I made him sit in the car for half an hour. I felt terrible. I convinced him to go to Chili's for dinner with me. I ordered a burger and honestly, I was so tired that I just quit eating because it was too much work to lift my burger to my mouth. I wish I was joking. I'm supposed to work four days in a row next week, and I honestly don't think I can do it. This was the first time I felt REALLY pregnant. I am so glad to have a couple of days off.
Veteran's Day was spent together, a nice change since Christopher was on duty ALL day last year. We went out for a couple of our meals that day; I like to make sure that waiters/waitresses are properly tipped because often times that with free food, we forget we should still tip on the full amount. :) We had our second baby appointment so we went to iHop for brunch before the appointment. We were in a rush, but totally could have taken our time. My doctor was in a delivery and nearly an hour and fifteen minutes late. The time didn't seem to take too long, though, with Christopher being my entertainment until the doctor got there. It was worth the wait because for the first time, we heard our baby's heartbeat. We saw it at out last appointment, just a tiny flicker on the screen. It was so neat to hear it, although the radio was loud in the exam room and our doctor asked, "Do you hear it?"
"No, I hear Usher."
"Oh. Well listen again."
Then I heard it loud and clear. Nothing else mattered. I asked Chris, "Do you hear it, honey?" He did. He was in love, just like me. I could tell by the sound of his voice.
This is where my beautiful words melt away and I tell you what happened after lunch. This is your final warning to STOP here and not read further, because if you are a bad, "judgey" person you will honestly never look at me the same again.
Moving on.
There is an event on base in early December for Chris' squadron and their spouses. I get to wear his flight suit and see what he does all day. I even get my own patch with a "call sign" on it.
That rotten husband of mine decided that he would have my patch made with the call sign, "Chili's" on it. And this is why. We went out to Chili's for our second meal of the day. Chris ate for free and I got some lunch as well. Lunch was good. I thought my sweet potato fries were a little underdone but I can't complain too much. (Considering I eat everything in sight most days.)
WELL, on the way home, I told Chris I didn't feel well and started crying. He asked, "What's wrong". I looked at him and said, "I honestly don't know if I am going to throw up or crap my pants." He said, "What should I do?" I tried to (but failed) to say nicely, "Get me home. Don't talk to me. Don't touch me. And DON'T get in my way."
When we got home, he jumped out of the car and ran to open doors for me, but to no avail. I did not make it to my destination.
I am sorry to say that my husband witnessed something I didn't think he would see for another 70 years or so.
It was so unfortunate. And when our baby is an awful teenager, crying that he or she hates me, I will tell him what he put me through while he (or she) was just the size of a fig.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
More Pregnancy Tell-Alls
My mom sent me an article the other day about a some mother-runner who runs 40-60 miles a week, 8-minute miles, at 8 months pregnant or something crazy like that. What stuck out in the article for me (besides the immediate drop in satisfaction with my week's 13 miles run), was that if I don't run for 1 week or greater, I might as well stop running because a pregnant body changes so much in that amount of time you won't be able to continue.
Um, ok, whatever silly article.
A couple of days later? Suddenly all of my joints are popping like bubble wrap, hips included. Hello, sciatica? What is this shooting pain down the right side of my rear, making me bend over with a hand on my back in my best elderly impression? No. This can't be happening.
The other surprising new symptom? Dizziness. Orthostatic hypotension. God forbid I spring out of bed, because if I do, I won't get very far. Luckily, something, or some dog is never far away.
The 239th Marine Corps Birthday Ball is this weekend in Corpus. We've got a dogsitter, a hotel, and great friends to spend it with. I'm wearing my dress from my cousin's wedding this summer. It should have enough wiggle room for this expanding belly of mine, still be comfortable, and look decent next to Chris. When the boys are in their blues, I feel like I become more like a...well-placed accent piece. I mean, Chris in his blues? My favorite.
We've been down to one car since selling the Jeep last week. I remember thinking, "Oh, this won't be a problem! It will be so easy to figure out who needs the car and when!" Wrong. Cranky-pants had to pick me up from the nail salon yesterday because I had gone to get my toenails done for this weekend. He had explained to me previously that he could just paint them for me. I asked if that included the massage and callous removal, he said it wouldn't. I didn't have to explain any further. Yes, so, cranky pants had to come pick me up. It's funny, because I'm not cute when I'm cranky. I'm just a monster. But when Chris is cranky? He's adorable. I just want to pinch his cheeks.
He's gone all day today. Which means no car for me, not that I had plans anyway. He has two simulators AND he has to practice to be in the sword ceremony for the Birthday Ball. This puts him away all day long. I should be getting lots done, but as you can read, I'm just blogging instead. And watching MasterChef Junior, trying to figure out how to jump-start the fetus as a professional chef.
I wonder at what point "the fetus" will be referred to as "the baby" or something more? For now, the fetus sticks. It's what everyone here refers to, anyway.
Sheila and Allen have picked out their "grandparent" names. Sheila will be called "Bubbi", which is Czech and what her great-great grandmother was called. Allen will be called "Papa". They don't need to be different, I just think it will be easier than always trying to say "Grandma Lindemoen"/"Grandma Lazoritz".
I've got my temporary nursing license ready to go, just in time as my compact license from Nebraska expired. Now on to the next part of the getting [yet another] nursing license in another state. Luckily, Texas is a compact state. Unfortunately, they need more from me to get the permanent license. I will probably use the temporary as long as possible before getting the permanent license. With the baby coming along, I probably won't be working past early May, of course that depends on how I feel and how we're doing on our Jeep payments. ;)
It would also be very hard to go back to work in the few short months here before we move on to the next place. I want to be home with the baby! At least for a few months. Chris understands. He'd be a stay-at-home dad if he could. It looks Chris will "wing" here in Texas in about August or September, and depending on space at the next step, we will move whenever they have space for him! It sounds like our friends that are in the Navy often end up sitting around for a couple of months waiting for the next step. Chris and I are ready for the next step. Now. South Texas is pretty gross, although I admit the weather is fairly nice here. We are supposed to get rain for the next three days, though, which is unfortunate, considering we sold the Jeep and Chris had to rescue me from the rain last time it rained like this. I will probably be at work for the next couple of days, though, so it shouldn't affect us too much.
Now that I'm further into MasterChef Junior, I've decided that they should have MasterChef Pregnant, and just watch all the to-be-moms gag over raw chicken as they try to decide what might sound good to other people, let alone themselves.
I'm now bawling because all the little kids went to hug another kid because her chicken was raw and she is totally going home.
Um, ok, whatever silly article.
A couple of days later? Suddenly all of my joints are popping like bubble wrap, hips included. Hello, sciatica? What is this shooting pain down the right side of my rear, making me bend over with a hand on my back in my best elderly impression? No. This can't be happening.
The other surprising new symptom? Dizziness. Orthostatic hypotension. God forbid I spring out of bed, because if I do, I won't get very far. Luckily, something, or some dog is never far away.
The 239th Marine Corps Birthday Ball is this weekend in Corpus. We've got a dogsitter, a hotel, and great friends to spend it with. I'm wearing my dress from my cousin's wedding this summer. It should have enough wiggle room for this expanding belly of mine, still be comfortable, and look decent next to Chris. When the boys are in their blues, I feel like I become more like a...well-placed accent piece. I mean, Chris in his blues? My favorite.
We've been down to one car since selling the Jeep last week. I remember thinking, "Oh, this won't be a problem! It will be so easy to figure out who needs the car and when!" Wrong. Cranky-pants had to pick me up from the nail salon yesterday because I had gone to get my toenails done for this weekend. He had explained to me previously that he could just paint them for me. I asked if that included the massage and callous removal, he said it wouldn't. I didn't have to explain any further. Yes, so, cranky pants had to come pick me up. It's funny, because I'm not cute when I'm cranky. I'm just a monster. But when Chris is cranky? He's adorable. I just want to pinch his cheeks.
He's gone all day today. Which means no car for me, not that I had plans anyway. He has two simulators AND he has to practice to be in the sword ceremony for the Birthday Ball. This puts him away all day long. I should be getting lots done, but as you can read, I'm just blogging instead. And watching MasterChef Junior, trying to figure out how to jump-start the fetus as a professional chef.
I wonder at what point "the fetus" will be referred to as "the baby" or something more? For now, the fetus sticks. It's what everyone here refers to, anyway.
Sheila and Allen have picked out their "grandparent" names. Sheila will be called "Bubbi", which is Czech and what her great-great grandmother was called. Allen will be called "Papa". They don't need to be different, I just think it will be easier than always trying to say "Grandma Lindemoen"/"Grandma Lazoritz".
I've got my temporary nursing license ready to go, just in time as my compact license from Nebraska expired. Now on to the next part of the getting [yet another] nursing license in another state. Luckily, Texas is a compact state. Unfortunately, they need more from me to get the permanent license. I will probably use the temporary as long as possible before getting the permanent license. With the baby coming along, I probably won't be working past early May, of course that depends on how I feel and how we're doing on our Jeep payments. ;)
It would also be very hard to go back to work in the few short months here before we move on to the next place. I want to be home with the baby! At least for a few months. Chris understands. He'd be a stay-at-home dad if he could. It looks Chris will "wing" here in Texas in about August or September, and depending on space at the next step, we will move whenever they have space for him! It sounds like our friends that are in the Navy often end up sitting around for a couple of months waiting for the next step. Chris and I are ready for the next step. Now. South Texas is pretty gross, although I admit the weather is fairly nice here. We are supposed to get rain for the next three days, though, which is unfortunate, considering we sold the Jeep and Chris had to rescue me from the rain last time it rained like this. I will probably be at work for the next couple of days, though, so it shouldn't affect us too much.
Now that I'm further into MasterChef Junior, I've decided that they should have MasterChef Pregnant, and just watch all the to-be-moms gag over raw chicken as they try to decide what might sound good to other people, let alone themselves.
I'm now bawling because all the little kids went to hug another kid because her chicken was raw and she is totally going home.
Monday, November 3, 2014
9-Month Growth Spurt
Well, truth be told this will be a backdated blog post, to
September 24th, in fact. The day that will forever go down in
history as the day I peed on a fifth stick that agreed with the other four,
that Chris and I had indeed done it.
Well, that, and then made a baby. I don’t mean to be vulgar! I’m just in disbelief. I don’t feel very different even with a miracle inside of me. I will admit that I got a weird cramp in my leg today, and a bit nauseous the other night, and have craved pickles and chicken alfredo, and once burst out crying for no reason, but other than that I have felt pretty normal. Oh, and then there was that day that my nose started running and I was definitely not sick. Profusely.
The one large thing that stuck out that made me think, “Hmm…I feel different”, was when “Horse With No Name” came on the radio and I didn’t change the radio station. My mom would vouch for me-I hate, hate, hate that song. I scream until someone turns it off. When I heard this the second time this week, I even hummed along.
I know, it’s disgusting.
I have my first doctor’s appointment tomorrow, just to confirm that the pee tests don’t lie. Chris is able to go with me, thank goodness. I’m sure they will just do some bloodwork so it won’t be exciting for Chris but it’s important for him to be there for me! He might not be able to come to a lot of the later appointments, so it’s important that he goes while he can. And afterward, we are going out for a “fancy” breakfast. Probably at iHop.
Mama needs some French toast. Oops. There’s another craving for you.
We’ve already established that Chris has been forbidden from suggesting any type of food in my presence UNLESS that specific food is sitting right in front of me.
The hardest part of this, so far, is knowing that my LAST beer was a Corona. I bought a six-pack the night before I took the first test and had one. Not great. I mean, it’s Corona. Anyway, took the test the next day and realized that my last beer for quite some time was a Corona. I could have done SO MUCH BETTER had I known/had some insight.
It will all be worth it in the end. I pray that our little one makes it to that important 12-week mark so I can share our news with all of you, but I realize that a lot of things can happen and it’s all in God’s hands. We were honestly only trying for two months, so it’s a miracle in itself that this happened so quickly.
For now, we’re just letting the news sink in, and waiting for our appointment tomorrow to confirm this. I go home for Kerrie’s wedding next week, and I’m going to have to come up with quite a lie to avoid the alcohol. J
September 26th, 2014
Normally, if I were not pregnant, I would be an absolutely PMS-y monster, but instead I regularly have fits of the giggles. I was trying to type up this entry when Chris stole my computer. He likes to read what I write (and then make fun of it). I yelled at him for stealing the computer and interrupting my creative juices, so then he told me he would type for me. This is what happened:
Well, that, and then made a baby. I don’t mean to be vulgar! I’m just in disbelief. I don’t feel very different even with a miracle inside of me. I will admit that I got a weird cramp in my leg today, and a bit nauseous the other night, and have craved pickles and chicken alfredo, and once burst out crying for no reason, but other than that I have felt pretty normal. Oh, and then there was that day that my nose started running and I was definitely not sick. Profusely.
The one large thing that stuck out that made me think, “Hmm…I feel different”, was when “Horse With No Name” came on the radio and I didn’t change the radio station. My mom would vouch for me-I hate, hate, hate that song. I scream until someone turns it off. When I heard this the second time this week, I even hummed along.
I know, it’s disgusting.
I have my first doctor’s appointment tomorrow, just to confirm that the pee tests don’t lie. Chris is able to go with me, thank goodness. I’m sure they will just do some bloodwork so it won’t be exciting for Chris but it’s important for him to be there for me! He might not be able to come to a lot of the later appointments, so it’s important that he goes while he can. And afterward, we are going out for a “fancy” breakfast. Probably at iHop.
Mama needs some French toast. Oops. There’s another craving for you.
We’ve already established that Chris has been forbidden from suggesting any type of food in my presence UNLESS that specific food is sitting right in front of me.
The hardest part of this, so far, is knowing that my LAST beer was a Corona. I bought a six-pack the night before I took the first test and had one. Not great. I mean, it’s Corona. Anyway, took the test the next day and realized that my last beer for quite some time was a Corona. I could have done SO MUCH BETTER had I known/had some insight.
It will all be worth it in the end. I pray that our little one makes it to that important 12-week mark so I can share our news with all of you, but I realize that a lot of things can happen and it’s all in God’s hands. We were honestly only trying for two months, so it’s a miracle in itself that this happened so quickly.
For now, we’re just letting the news sink in, and waiting for our appointment tomorrow to confirm this. I go home for Kerrie’s wedding next week, and I’m going to have to come up with quite a lie to avoid the alcohol. J
September 26th, 2014
Normally, if I were not pregnant, I would be an absolutely PMS-y monster, but instead I regularly have fits of the giggles. I was trying to type up this entry when Chris stole my computer. He likes to read what I write (and then make fun of it). I yelled at him for stealing the computer and interrupting my creative juices, so then he told me he would type for me. This is what happened:
Nope nope nope nope nope. Lol. Snort. Lol. LMAO. Mmmm. Lol.
LMAO. LMAO. You so funny, you so funny. Lol. One two three, bloo bloo bloo bloo
bloo bloo. Stop it lol. STOP IT. *So are you going to go tonight?* Yes. Can I
have my computer back? Lol
We are headed to a friend’s tonight so the boys can play poker. I, meanwhile, have to make a stop at Dairy Queen for ice cream so I can fill my mouth with ice cream all night so no one suspects anything or offers me a drink! Hopefully I can stay up long enough; I’m already tired and I haven’t done a darn thing today.
It is already more difficult to run. I feel heavier, and slower, and it’s harder to breathe. Also, my joints feel more loose, and my hips feel different. How is this possible after just four weeks? And now, all of a sudden, I get foot cramps. I was beating Chris last week; this week he’s beating me!
I don’t know if my general odor has changed, or grown stronger, or suddenly my nose is that of a bloodhound’s, but I don’t like the way that I smell anymore. I’m going to have to modify it. I don’t know how to put it better than that.
Today, after being on cloud nine all day, I went to Wal-Mart to get some lemonade (because water is great and all, but my taste buds want something else to drink). While I was there, I saw TWIN GIRLS have the MELTDOWN OF THE CENTURY because their mom wouldn’t buy them a bike. You know how big Wal-Mart is, but did you know I could hear them screaming at the opposite end of the store? It was terrible. I must have looked like a deer-in-headlights, pretending to be overly interested in some pens, thinking, “Oh my Lord, what have we done”. BUT it wasn’t JUST those girls-it seemed like suddenly every child I saw was crying and carrying on. I couldn’t get out of the store fast enough and into my car to take some deep breaths.
I’m glad Chris wasn’t there. He would have reacted in a bigger way.
I brought Chris a poppy seed in bed last night and asked him, “Do you know what this is?” He didn’t, and I explained that it was a poppy seed and our baby was that size. We felt sort of guilty when we threw away the poppy seed because we were enthralled by it for about five minutes.
I love that you can hold something that is the same size to truly understand what we’re dealing with.
Chris has also discovered that if he makes me mad, all he has to do is put a hand on my stomach and I smile. It's over. I have a weakness.
I’m working on the nursery. Even though it has a full bed in it right now, I’m gradually working toward the cow print/red/blue theme. Hopefully that works for either gender.
I’m a little terrified of miscarriage. There’s a chance it could happen, so whenever Chris bumps into me I yell “You’re going to dislodge it!” I’m sure it wouldn’t happen like that, but it’s fun to tease him.
September 28th, 2014
Chris and I went to Corpus Christi today with plans we found exciting. We started at Barnes and Noble, where Chris bought “The Caveman’s Guide to Pregnancy”, and I’ve caught him reading it three times today. I bought myself “The Belly Book” and “Bumpology” to read on the flight home on Wednesday. Yes, I am going home in just three short days! Which means I have lots to do before then!
The Barnes and Noble had a Starbucks, and since I now have to limit my caffeine, I had to ask the [I assume] high schooler behind the counter for the nutrition facts. She managed to find a binder (after five minutes) that had all of the nutrition facts for their drinks. I assume this content is available online somewhere, but I neglected to check the calorie and instead looked toward the caffeine. I found a coffee I could get away with and Chris got to order what he actually wanted, instead of getting something we could share. It was kind of embarrassing, and he teased me about it, until I reminded him that I am the one modifying my lifestyle, NOT him. That shut him up pretty quick.
I do think he will have to stop smoking the occasional cigar, because the smell absolutely repulses me. I also wish I could ignore the fact that he can still drink beer, because I love the smell so much I almost suck it up my nose. I would love to just dip the tip of my tongue in a cold draft. I’ll probably have to break down and have a Busch NA one of these days. Gross, right?
We met one of Chris’ friends for lunch. He is here to learn to fly C-130s. Most of the lunch, I smiled to myself, because we have this secret. His friend didn’t know that he is meeting with three Lazoritzes, even if one of us is the size of a poppy seed.
Following lunch, we went to Target to try out jogging strollers. Chris laughed at me ACTUALLY jogging around the store. He had to check out the tires/rims/other man things that did not interest me. We agreed green is an appropriate color. We also looked at all the other baby gear. Chris is not impressed with all the things we are going to have to buy for this little one. Or the clutter that might accrue. I try to behave myself, but I could not help but buy our little one this flannel today. His grandma and dad have the same one!
Notice I say, “his” like I think it’s a boy? I do.
We are headed to a friend’s tonight so the boys can play poker. I, meanwhile, have to make a stop at Dairy Queen for ice cream so I can fill my mouth with ice cream all night so no one suspects anything or offers me a drink! Hopefully I can stay up long enough; I’m already tired and I haven’t done a darn thing today.
It is already more difficult to run. I feel heavier, and slower, and it’s harder to breathe. Also, my joints feel more loose, and my hips feel different. How is this possible after just four weeks? And now, all of a sudden, I get foot cramps. I was beating Chris last week; this week he’s beating me!
I don’t know if my general odor has changed, or grown stronger, or suddenly my nose is that of a bloodhound’s, but I don’t like the way that I smell anymore. I’m going to have to modify it. I don’t know how to put it better than that.
Today, after being on cloud nine all day, I went to Wal-Mart to get some lemonade (because water is great and all, but my taste buds want something else to drink). While I was there, I saw TWIN GIRLS have the MELTDOWN OF THE CENTURY because their mom wouldn’t buy them a bike. You know how big Wal-Mart is, but did you know I could hear them screaming at the opposite end of the store? It was terrible. I must have looked like a deer-in-headlights, pretending to be overly interested in some pens, thinking, “Oh my Lord, what have we done”. BUT it wasn’t JUST those girls-it seemed like suddenly every child I saw was crying and carrying on. I couldn’t get out of the store fast enough and into my car to take some deep breaths.
I’m glad Chris wasn’t there. He would have reacted in a bigger way.
I brought Chris a poppy seed in bed last night and asked him, “Do you know what this is?” He didn’t, and I explained that it was a poppy seed and our baby was that size. We felt sort of guilty when we threw away the poppy seed because we were enthralled by it for about five minutes.
I love that you can hold something that is the same size to truly understand what we’re dealing with.
Chris has also discovered that if he makes me mad, all he has to do is put a hand on my stomach and I smile. It's over. I have a weakness.
I’m working on the nursery. Even though it has a full bed in it right now, I’m gradually working toward the cow print/red/blue theme. Hopefully that works for either gender.
I’m a little terrified of miscarriage. There’s a chance it could happen, so whenever Chris bumps into me I yell “You’re going to dislodge it!” I’m sure it wouldn’t happen like that, but it’s fun to tease him.
September 28th, 2014
Chris and I went to Corpus Christi today with plans we found exciting. We started at Barnes and Noble, where Chris bought “The Caveman’s Guide to Pregnancy”, and I’ve caught him reading it three times today. I bought myself “The Belly Book” and “Bumpology” to read on the flight home on Wednesday. Yes, I am going home in just three short days! Which means I have lots to do before then!
The Barnes and Noble had a Starbucks, and since I now have to limit my caffeine, I had to ask the [I assume] high schooler behind the counter for the nutrition facts. She managed to find a binder (after five minutes) that had all of the nutrition facts for their drinks. I assume this content is available online somewhere, but I neglected to check the calorie and instead looked toward the caffeine. I found a coffee I could get away with and Chris got to order what he actually wanted, instead of getting something we could share. It was kind of embarrassing, and he teased me about it, until I reminded him that I am the one modifying my lifestyle, NOT him. That shut him up pretty quick.
I do think he will have to stop smoking the occasional cigar, because the smell absolutely repulses me. I also wish I could ignore the fact that he can still drink beer, because I love the smell so much I almost suck it up my nose. I would love to just dip the tip of my tongue in a cold draft. I’ll probably have to break down and have a Busch NA one of these days. Gross, right?
We met one of Chris’ friends for lunch. He is here to learn to fly C-130s. Most of the lunch, I smiled to myself, because we have this secret. His friend didn’t know that he is meeting with three Lazoritzes, even if one of us is the size of a poppy seed.
Following lunch, we went to Target to try out jogging strollers. Chris laughed at me ACTUALLY jogging around the store. He had to check out the tires/rims/other man things that did not interest me. We agreed green is an appropriate color. We also looked at all the other baby gear. Chris is not impressed with all the things we are going to have to buy for this little one. Or the clutter that might accrue. I try to behave myself, but I could not help but buy our little one this flannel today. His grandma and dad have the same one!
Notice I say, “his” like I think it’s a boy? I do.
I went a little crazy buying cloth diapers a few weeks back,
but I thought I might as well buy the baby enough in one shipment instead of
trying to do it in increments and pay shipping. So, our darling face (so far)
has two toys, a crib (free from a fellow military spouse), a flannel, and
enough diapers to cover his bum bum for quite some time.
I’m currently watching a diaper bag on Ebay that I am in love with, but not enough to fork over $200.
After that we went to Carter’s where we had to stop ourselves from buying a jumpsuit that looked like a flightsuit, and an outfit that looked like Ruby’s face on the butt of the pants. Chris was sweet enough to let me stop to get some necklaces, so I let him grab a beer. Unfortunately, someone was smoking near me. I could have thrown up. I also wanted to attack them. They are lucky I couldn’t figure out who it was. I cannot handle that smell anymore. It makes me even more ill than it did pre-pregnant.
Pre-natal vitamins are too big and they mess up my stomach. Someone mentioned to me that you will never poop the same again, not that prunes can be your best friend, EVEN if they make you gag because of the texture.
Wednesday is my Dad’s birthday. I will only be five weeks along, but I can’t wait any longer to tell my parents. I need them to be there for me in case something were to happen. Not to mention, telling dad he is going to be a grandpa is the absolute best gift I can share with him. I know that for a fact! I’m also hoping it totally shocks mom. I think it will.
September 29th, 2014
This afternoon, I gagged on my BLT. How cruel, to gag on your BLT?! One of my most favorite foods in all the land, I had to spit out before it came out any more violently. Ugh. How frustrating. Along with somewhat constant heartburn, I must keep reminding myself that this is all worth it in the end, and it’s probably going to get a lot worse before it gets any better!
I will say that baby did allow me to run seven miles yesterday. They weren’t super fast by any means, but at least I kept pushing! I will probably taking it easier for the next couple of days, until I can be sure my body can handle that.
Chris freaked out yesterday. I was washing my hair and he saw the red in the drain. He didn’t know what it meant. When I got out of the shower and found him, he looked terribly sad. I had to ask why, and he said he didn’t know what it meant. I had to reassure him that everything was fine and it was just red hair dye! Poor guy.
Hopefully, his Caveman baby daddy book will help with the questions. I’ve got tons of questions myself. It’s why I can’t wait to tell mom that we’re pregnant, so I have someone to answer questions besides my poor friend, Sarah, who will probably get sick of me fast!
I ordered Burt’s Bees for myself, for my skin, hoping that it can handle all the stretching its about to do. I am already noticing how dry my skin is! I’m also itchy all of the time. Everywhere. Sigh.
Present Day:
Over a month later and I am in the throes of morning sickness. Everyone asks me, "Do you have morning sickness?" Well, the answer is yes, it's just that I get mine at night. Usually after 5pm and then goes until I fall asleep at night. I've been lucky that I haven't actually thrown up, I just feel incredibly crappy, dizzy, nauseous, etc. Benadryl helps at bedtime and helps me sleep. I don't take anything for general aches and pains. Only Benadryl for nausea.
I was quite surprised to find out that we are going to be able to find out if we are having a boy or girl at only 10 weeks along. My next appointment is a little past that, but in just over a week we will know what we are having. I think that is absolutely crazy, but good for someone like me that is a planner and a control freak. This way I can watch sales for clothes, and adjust the nursery decor (or have mom do it, since she's the one sewing it all). Chris is like me. He NEEDS to know. This test is 99% accurate, whereas an ultrasound at 20 weeks has a much lower percentage of accuracy. I don't see why we would wait!
Chris and I go back and forth. Some days we really want a boy, others we think a girl would be so cute, but most days we have no preference. That doesn't stop me from pouring over websites, looking for every old wives' tale I can find, and testing it out.
So far:
1. Shape of belly. Is it high, big, and round? Girl. Low, sticking straight out? Boy.
Well, I was surprised that my belly just kind of popped out one day, and a lot earlier than I was expecting. It seems to be low. The sonogram tech had to dig into my pelvic bone to find anything for the ultrasound. She even commented on how low it was. I'm not sure, but OUTCOME: Boy
2. Wedding ring on a string swings in a circle? Girl. Back and forth, like a pendulum? Boy. OUTCOME: Boy
3. Chinese Gender Prediction test, based on my age and month of conception. OUTCOME: Boy
4. Cravings, sweet? Girl. Salty? Boy. OUTCOME: Inconclusive. I just love food.
5. Acne: If you have it? Girl. None? Boy. OUTCOME: Girl.
6. 71% of the time, moms know predict what they are having. OUTCOME: Boy.
7. More hair on your legs than normal? Boy. The same? Girl. OUTCOME: I'm a cavewoman, even if I shave every day. Boy.
8. If a toddler shows interest in you, you're having the opposite sex. Today a little girl flashed me a huge smile and then fixated on me. OUTCOME: Boy.
9. Mix your urine with baking soda. If it fizzes wildly? Boy. No reaction? Girl (Something to do with the pH of your urine.) OUTCOME: Girl.
10. Mayan Gender Prediction: If the age of the mother at conception and the year of conception added together are an even number? Girl. If odd: Boy. OUTCOME: Girl.
These tests are fun but I will be happy to know what the accurate answer is. I realize I need to behave myself because I now have pink and blue onesies hanging in the baby's closet. It's a little early for that, but at least there are lots of other babies in our life to pass those off to!
I take naps almost every single day that I can. I'm not much of a napper but I am telling you, once 2:00 rolls around, I'm down for the count. I've noticed that my nausea is twice as bad when I'm hungry or overtired. The other day Chris and I were running errands and it hit me at once how hungry I was. When we got to Dairy Queen and had ordered, I lay down in the booth because it's all I could do. When my shake and fries got to the table, I inhaled them. Chris cannot believe how fast and how much I can eat now.
He also can't believe what makes me cry. I haven't cried much. The usual puppy videos get me, but the other day I started crying at that video of that lady and her dog dancing to "Grease", because in my head I was thinking about how much that dog must love her, and THAT made me cry. I also started crying when I realized Chris was going to St. Louis to see his family for Thanksgiving. Although I am very jealous about that, I cried because St. Louis has this amazing pasta place with to-die-for alfredo and in my mind I was thinking that he could go there without me and that made me cry. (As dumb as that is, I just went on a search for a copycat recipe online.)
I'm telling you, hormones are RIDICULOUS.
Like my mother before me, I am showing already. She said she was into maternity clothes not long after she found out she was pregnant. I'm the same way. It may be more by choice, because I can't stand the thought of wearing anything tight, or people looking at my stomach and thinking I just ate too much that day. Sorry strangers, but I don't feel like explaining to you that my uterus is grapefruit-sized and stuffed with a green olive-sized baby. Maternity dresses have become my absolute best friends. Chris thinks I look nice and I don't feel like I have to hide anything.
Christopher and I had to sell his Jeep. We did so this past week and that was one of those weird times where I cried much harder than a normal person would have. We had so many good memories in the Jeep! Chris picked me up for our first date in his dad's car because his Jeep was "in surgery" (getting a lift kit put on). We got stuck in deep, deep snow in Randolph's countryside and had to dig out with a tiny shovel and no gloves. We slid on ice a couple of days after we started dating and he reached out to catch me and grabbed my boob. He's rescued his family multiple times in the snow-getting them to and from work and church. Once, he got stuck in the snow in Omaha and his friend Shawn had to pull him out with his little Integra. We took my brother Nick into the country once to drive through mud, and he didn't even complain when mud splashed on his arm and face. Like I said, there are a ton of good memories, but the idea of lifting a car seat into the Jeep is not something that I want to continually consider.
We sold the Jeep to a nice guy who wanted something smaller to drive than his truck, but also to be able to get dirty. His plan was to take the Jeep out in the mud, first thing. I had my fun with the Jeep the night before. We came home from a Halloween party and I went through some puddles in the park. Naturally, we got pulled over because fun isn't allowed here. The cop had pulled Chris over when we first moved here because he went the wrong way down a one-way. Luckily, he remembered us. He asked what we were doing in the park, because it closes on the weekends at 11pm. I suppose he thought we were drinking. I don't know. Well, I explained that we were selling the Jeep the very next day and we just wanted to have some fun with it. He kind of chuckled at us. Then I pointed at our house (which was 50 feet away) and said, we live RIGHT there.
He let us go.
And then we were running the next day and he pulled up behind us. We had Nalli and Bart with us and I said to Chris, great, here we go again. I think the cop must have felt badly about the night before, because he showered us with compliments about our dogs and then asked if we were going to breed them.
Yeah, because we would add to the ridiculous stray population in Texas when there are already a ridiculous amount of dogs being put down at the local shelter. And that's the only thing dogs are good for.
NO! They are family members that don't need to worry about anything but being dogs! Ugh. I was so irritated. But I realize he was going out of his way to somewhat apologize to us. And then fact check, because he asked if we sold the Jeep. We assured him that we did, and he was on his merry way.
He's nice, and I'm sure that Chris and I stick out somehow, but I was rather irritated him at this point. But also thankful he didn't give us a ticket.
Back to pregnancy talk, because that's how my mind works now. It is 1.) All over the place and 2.) Constantly revolving around pregnancy, being pregnant, and food.
I haven't found that anything (food-wise) completely turns me off. I thought that I had lucked out, because normally I'm not picky and there isn't anything I absolutely won't eat. Actually, Chipotle and I have "consciously uncoupled" (Thanks, Gwyneth) because we don't get along, but other than that it's just the general disapproval of food that bothers me. I will be in the store, something will sound DELICIOUS and I MUST HAVE IT NOW. So I buy all of the ingredients. By the time I get home, it sounds terrible. Food cravings come in very quick waves and I move on quite quickly.
I revolve around food. Plain and simple. :)
I’m currently watching a diaper bag on Ebay that I am in love with, but not enough to fork over $200.
After that we went to Carter’s where we had to stop ourselves from buying a jumpsuit that looked like a flightsuit, and an outfit that looked like Ruby’s face on the butt of the pants. Chris was sweet enough to let me stop to get some necklaces, so I let him grab a beer. Unfortunately, someone was smoking near me. I could have thrown up. I also wanted to attack them. They are lucky I couldn’t figure out who it was. I cannot handle that smell anymore. It makes me even more ill than it did pre-pregnant.
Pre-natal vitamins are too big and they mess up my stomach. Someone mentioned to me that you will never poop the same again, not that prunes can be your best friend, EVEN if they make you gag because of the texture.
Wednesday is my Dad’s birthday. I will only be five weeks along, but I can’t wait any longer to tell my parents. I need them to be there for me in case something were to happen. Not to mention, telling dad he is going to be a grandpa is the absolute best gift I can share with him. I know that for a fact! I’m also hoping it totally shocks mom. I think it will.
September 29th, 2014
This afternoon, I gagged on my BLT. How cruel, to gag on your BLT?! One of my most favorite foods in all the land, I had to spit out before it came out any more violently. Ugh. How frustrating. Along with somewhat constant heartburn, I must keep reminding myself that this is all worth it in the end, and it’s probably going to get a lot worse before it gets any better!
I will say that baby did allow me to run seven miles yesterday. They weren’t super fast by any means, but at least I kept pushing! I will probably taking it easier for the next couple of days, until I can be sure my body can handle that.
Chris freaked out yesterday. I was washing my hair and he saw the red in the drain. He didn’t know what it meant. When I got out of the shower and found him, he looked terribly sad. I had to ask why, and he said he didn’t know what it meant. I had to reassure him that everything was fine and it was just red hair dye! Poor guy.
Hopefully, his Caveman baby daddy book will help with the questions. I’ve got tons of questions myself. It’s why I can’t wait to tell mom that we’re pregnant, so I have someone to answer questions besides my poor friend, Sarah, who will probably get sick of me fast!
I ordered Burt’s Bees for myself, for my skin, hoping that it can handle all the stretching its about to do. I am already noticing how dry my skin is! I’m also itchy all of the time. Everywhere. Sigh.
Present Day:
Over a month later and I am in the throes of morning sickness. Everyone asks me, "Do you have morning sickness?" Well, the answer is yes, it's just that I get mine at night. Usually after 5pm and then goes until I fall asleep at night. I've been lucky that I haven't actually thrown up, I just feel incredibly crappy, dizzy, nauseous, etc. Benadryl helps at bedtime and helps me sleep. I don't take anything for general aches and pains. Only Benadryl for nausea.
I was quite surprised to find out that we are going to be able to find out if we are having a boy or girl at only 10 weeks along. My next appointment is a little past that, but in just over a week we will know what we are having. I think that is absolutely crazy, but good for someone like me that is a planner and a control freak. This way I can watch sales for clothes, and adjust the nursery decor (or have mom do it, since she's the one sewing it all). Chris is like me. He NEEDS to know. This test is 99% accurate, whereas an ultrasound at 20 weeks has a much lower percentage of accuracy. I don't see why we would wait!
Chris and I go back and forth. Some days we really want a boy, others we think a girl would be so cute, but most days we have no preference. That doesn't stop me from pouring over websites, looking for every old wives' tale I can find, and testing it out.
So far:
1. Shape of belly. Is it high, big, and round? Girl. Low, sticking straight out? Boy.
Well, I was surprised that my belly just kind of popped out one day, and a lot earlier than I was expecting. It seems to be low. The sonogram tech had to dig into my pelvic bone to find anything for the ultrasound. She even commented on how low it was. I'm not sure, but OUTCOME: Boy
2. Wedding ring on a string swings in a circle? Girl. Back and forth, like a pendulum? Boy. OUTCOME: Boy
3. Chinese Gender Prediction test, based on my age and month of conception. OUTCOME: Boy
4. Cravings, sweet? Girl. Salty? Boy. OUTCOME: Inconclusive. I just love food.
5. Acne: If you have it? Girl. None? Boy. OUTCOME: Girl.
6. 71% of the time, moms know predict what they are having. OUTCOME: Boy.
7. More hair on your legs than normal? Boy. The same? Girl. OUTCOME: I'm a cavewoman, even if I shave every day. Boy.
8. If a toddler shows interest in you, you're having the opposite sex. Today a little girl flashed me a huge smile and then fixated on me. OUTCOME: Boy.
9. Mix your urine with baking soda. If it fizzes wildly? Boy. No reaction? Girl (Something to do with the pH of your urine.) OUTCOME: Girl.
10. Mayan Gender Prediction: If the age of the mother at conception and the year of conception added together are an even number? Girl. If odd: Boy. OUTCOME: Girl.
These tests are fun but I will be happy to know what the accurate answer is. I realize I need to behave myself because I now have pink and blue onesies hanging in the baby's closet. It's a little early for that, but at least there are lots of other babies in our life to pass those off to!
I take naps almost every single day that I can. I'm not much of a napper but I am telling you, once 2:00 rolls around, I'm down for the count. I've noticed that my nausea is twice as bad when I'm hungry or overtired. The other day Chris and I were running errands and it hit me at once how hungry I was. When we got to Dairy Queen and had ordered, I lay down in the booth because it's all I could do. When my shake and fries got to the table, I inhaled them. Chris cannot believe how fast and how much I can eat now.
He also can't believe what makes me cry. I haven't cried much. The usual puppy videos get me, but the other day I started crying at that video of that lady and her dog dancing to "Grease", because in my head I was thinking about how much that dog must love her, and THAT made me cry. I also started crying when I realized Chris was going to St. Louis to see his family for Thanksgiving. Although I am very jealous about that, I cried because St. Louis has this amazing pasta place with to-die-for alfredo and in my mind I was thinking that he could go there without me and that made me cry. (As dumb as that is, I just went on a search for a copycat recipe online.)
I'm telling you, hormones are RIDICULOUS.
Like my mother before me, I am showing already. She said she was into maternity clothes not long after she found out she was pregnant. I'm the same way. It may be more by choice, because I can't stand the thought of wearing anything tight, or people looking at my stomach and thinking I just ate too much that day. Sorry strangers, but I don't feel like explaining to you that my uterus is grapefruit-sized and stuffed with a green olive-sized baby. Maternity dresses have become my absolute best friends. Chris thinks I look nice and I don't feel like I have to hide anything.
Christopher and I had to sell his Jeep. We did so this past week and that was one of those weird times where I cried much harder than a normal person would have. We had so many good memories in the Jeep! Chris picked me up for our first date in his dad's car because his Jeep was "in surgery" (getting a lift kit put on). We got stuck in deep, deep snow in Randolph's countryside and had to dig out with a tiny shovel and no gloves. We slid on ice a couple of days after we started dating and he reached out to catch me and grabbed my boob. He's rescued his family multiple times in the snow-getting them to and from work and church. Once, he got stuck in the snow in Omaha and his friend Shawn had to pull him out with his little Integra. We took my brother Nick into the country once to drive through mud, and he didn't even complain when mud splashed on his arm and face. Like I said, there are a ton of good memories, but the idea of lifting a car seat into the Jeep is not something that I want to continually consider.
We sold the Jeep to a nice guy who wanted something smaller to drive than his truck, but also to be able to get dirty. His plan was to take the Jeep out in the mud, first thing. I had my fun with the Jeep the night before. We came home from a Halloween party and I went through some puddles in the park. Naturally, we got pulled over because fun isn't allowed here. The cop had pulled Chris over when we first moved here because he went the wrong way down a one-way. Luckily, he remembered us. He asked what we were doing in the park, because it closes on the weekends at 11pm. I suppose he thought we were drinking. I don't know. Well, I explained that we were selling the Jeep the very next day and we just wanted to have some fun with it. He kind of chuckled at us. Then I pointed at our house (which was 50 feet away) and said, we live RIGHT there.
He let us go.
And then we were running the next day and he pulled up behind us. We had Nalli and Bart with us and I said to Chris, great, here we go again. I think the cop must have felt badly about the night before, because he showered us with compliments about our dogs and then asked if we were going to breed them.
Yeah, because we would add to the ridiculous stray population in Texas when there are already a ridiculous amount of dogs being put down at the local shelter. And that's the only thing dogs are good for.
NO! They are family members that don't need to worry about anything but being dogs! Ugh. I was so irritated. But I realize he was going out of his way to somewhat apologize to us. And then fact check, because he asked if we sold the Jeep. We assured him that we did, and he was on his merry way.
He's nice, and I'm sure that Chris and I stick out somehow, but I was rather irritated him at this point. But also thankful he didn't give us a ticket.
Back to pregnancy talk, because that's how my mind works now. It is 1.) All over the place and 2.) Constantly revolving around pregnancy, being pregnant, and food.
I haven't found that anything (food-wise) completely turns me off. I thought that I had lucked out, because normally I'm not picky and there isn't anything I absolutely won't eat. Actually, Chipotle and I have "consciously uncoupled" (Thanks, Gwyneth) because we don't get along, but other than that it's just the general disapproval of food that bothers me. I will be in the store, something will sound DELICIOUS and I MUST HAVE IT NOW. So I buy all of the ingredients. By the time I get home, it sounds terrible. Food cravings come in very quick waves and I move on quite quickly.
I revolve around food. Plain and simple. :)
Monday, September 29, 2014
Mr. and Mrs. Dinger
There is no better excuse to go home than for your pseudo-sister's wedding to a man you can actually say is good enough for her. Kerrie's getting hitched next Saturday to the boy we all knew she would, pretty much the day we met him. You could just tell by the way she was Kerrie when she was around him. She didn't have to be anything else to make him happy.
I'm proud to be a part of their big day. I feel honored that Kerrie has asked me to be a part of this day! Hopefully she and I can go on a couple of runs or something together while I'm home. It'll be great just to spend some time with her!
I have packed and re-packed my suitcase multiple times, as usual. I am about to do it again, but for the final time, as I will not allow myself to do it again, nor do I have the time. I leave very early on Wednesday morning, and I work tomorrow, there is not a whole lot of time to do all the stuff on my list, nor pack, nor prepare food to keep my husband happy, nor cuddle the pups, or husband for that matter. Even less time to blog, SO I'm off to re-pack for the fourth and final time and then do all the things I should have done last week. :)
See you soon, Nebraska!
I'm proud to be a part of their big day. I feel honored that Kerrie has asked me to be a part of this day! Hopefully she and I can go on a couple of runs or something together while I'm home. It'll be great just to spend some time with her!
I have packed and re-packed my suitcase multiple times, as usual. I am about to do it again, but for the final time, as I will not allow myself to do it again, nor do I have the time. I leave very early on Wednesday morning, and I work tomorrow, there is not a whole lot of time to do all the stuff on my list, nor pack, nor prepare food to keep my husband happy, nor cuddle the pups, or husband for that matter. Even less time to blog, SO I'm off to re-pack for the fourth and final time and then do all the things I should have done last week. :)
See you soon, Nebraska!
Saturday, September 6, 2014
How Romance Changes
It's hard to believe that our two-year wedding anniversary is right around the corner. It honestly feels like we just got married. I suppose it's because we haven't really had time to settle? Chris moved in with me right after we got married. Two months later, we moved in with his parents. We lived there for a short seven months before moving to Virginia. Six months later, we moved to Florida. We left Florida for Texas nine months later. Thank you Marine Corps, for keeping our lives exciting.
I would say that the moves have definitely made us stronger. We communicate pretty well, and we enjoy each others' company. We have to when we are making these 1,200 mile moves every few months.
Romance is different, though. Romance for newlyweds is something. Romance after you've been married for a couple of years isn't
Let me explain.
When you go shopping together, romance is when you grab some toilet paper off the shelf and ask your husband, "This is the kind you like, right?"
Or when you get fixed up to go to the local DQ for a date on a Saturday afternoon.
Romance is when you see queso dip in a movie and later agree you both need queso dip.
It doesn't take much, folks, but I love it.
Now we are watching the new season of Trailer Park Boys on Netflix and drinking Oktoberfest.
We went to see "Boyhood" in Corpus Christi today. The theatre was nice. The crowd was much...older. We had to laugh because we associated with the movie because the kid is meant to be just a few years younger than us. But we overheard the elderly crowd we found ourselves among saying things like, "Boy, we sure grew up in a different time, didn't we?" or "I like those philosophical or psychological or whatever you call them movies". Chris loved the movie, I think it spoke to him more than myself. I found it good but anti-climactic. I guess I need some gut-wrenching climax in order to truly enjoy a movie. It was alright.
I start work on Monday! When I first found out I wouldn't start orientation until nearly three weeks after my interview I was so annoyed, trying to figure out how I would pass the time, but now I find myself thinking, "Crap, I had a lot more I wanted to do."
Oh, well. I should be working three-to-four days per week meaning I should have three-to-four days per week to get things done around the house and spoil the pups.
Chris has been incredibly busy. To put it morbidly, he has been studying extra hard so that he doesn't die. I wish I were kidding, but he doesn't want to make a silly mistake while he is flying that could end terribly. He faces a lot of demons every day, and I am so proud of this kid for doing what he is doing. I also realize that THIS is what he wants to do with his life, so it doesn't seem so scary.
The selections for the aircraft he wants got backed up by a couple of months, so I'm not sure he will be eligible for it. There are other options, though, so he will be happy, no matter what.
I bought my first Ebay item this week. I am, apparently, trying to fit in with the Texas vibe by buying a cowhide rug. No, I am not kidding. It was an exhilarating bidding war that I won.
There isn't a whole lot going on here! Our goal is to spend our anniversary in San Antonio. I managed to find a dog sitter, so hopefully it works out! Maybe there we can work on our romance?
I would say that the moves have definitely made us stronger. We communicate pretty well, and we enjoy each others' company. We have to when we are making these 1,200 mile moves every few months.
Romance is different, though. Romance for newlyweds is something. Romance after you've been married for a couple of years isn't
Let me explain.
When you go shopping together, romance is when you grab some toilet paper off the shelf and ask your husband, "This is the kind you like, right?"
Or when you get fixed up to go to the local DQ for a date on a Saturday afternoon.
Romance is when you see queso dip in a movie and later agree you both need queso dip.
It doesn't take much, folks, but I love it.
Now we are watching the new season of Trailer Park Boys on Netflix and drinking Oktoberfest.
We went to see "Boyhood" in Corpus Christi today. The theatre was nice. The crowd was much...older. We had to laugh because we associated with the movie because the kid is meant to be just a few years younger than us. But we overheard the elderly crowd we found ourselves among saying things like, "Boy, we sure grew up in a different time, didn't we?" or "I like those philosophical or psychological or whatever you call them movies". Chris loved the movie, I think it spoke to him more than myself. I found it good but anti-climactic. I guess I need some gut-wrenching climax in order to truly enjoy a movie. It was alright.
I start work on Monday! When I first found out I wouldn't start orientation until nearly three weeks after my interview I was so annoyed, trying to figure out how I would pass the time, but now I find myself thinking, "Crap, I had a lot more I wanted to do."
Oh, well. I should be working three-to-four days per week meaning I should have three-to-four days per week to get things done around the house and spoil the pups.
Chris has been incredibly busy. To put it morbidly, he has been studying extra hard so that he doesn't die. I wish I were kidding, but he doesn't want to make a silly mistake while he is flying that could end terribly. He faces a lot of demons every day, and I am so proud of this kid for doing what he is doing. I also realize that THIS is what he wants to do with his life, so it doesn't seem so scary.
The selections for the aircraft he wants got backed up by a couple of months, so I'm not sure he will be eligible for it. There are other options, though, so he will be happy, no matter what.
I bought my first Ebay item this week. I am, apparently, trying to fit in with the Texas vibe by buying a cowhide rug. No, I am not kidding. It was an exhilarating bidding war that I won.
There isn't a whole lot going on here! Our goal is to spend our anniversary in San Antonio. I managed to find a dog sitter, so hopefully it works out! Maybe there we can work on our romance?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
I am too excited. I just booked my flight home in October. Now it's just a waiting game until that time rolls around! I will be working then, so I hope it isn't too much trouble to ask time off from work.
I took a job as a medical-surgical nurse at the local hospital. I do not start until the second week of September, though. Until then, I'll be fine-tuning my brain, watching a lot of crappy TV, organizing my closet, and cooking a bunch of new recipes because, well, I have the time.
I also started playing volleyball with a team on base. It's just for fun, and it really is! Most of the players are boys in Chris' squadron so last time I played I had to come home to tell Chris, "If everyone is talking about the girl who got smacked in the face on the first play yesterday, that was me. I'm sorry!" He tried not to laugh as he hugged me.
Yesterday I caught up on "The Mindy Project" (new favorite show) and worked on Excel spreadsheets for the cabinets, fridge, and freezer. Yes, I am that nerdy. I have my reasons. I can't stand the idea that I might go buy another can of evaporated milk at the store when I have one at home. I've also been organizing closets. All of this is great, but I still have two rooms that I really need to clean up. My priorities are out of whack. :)
Anyway, on to the more enjoyable things-last night's dinner was FABULOUS. Chris and I have a ratings system where he gives it 1-5 stars. If something gets 3 or less stars and I can't improve it, I never make it again. We can do this because I've got 30+ cookbooks (no joke) and we don't have time to waste on "okay" recipes. This brings me to "Heirlooms". When I die, what I would love to be able to give our grandkids my cookbooks with all of my notes scribbled in them. The notes are overly honest and often I scribble how to improve the recipe in the margins. I've been known to write, "THIS IS CRAP" when something really sucks. This did not suck, and it was not overwhelming with the wasabi. I'm sure you could lessen or increase the amount of wasabi if you wanted to!
Well, here is a five-star recipe (in our opinion):
Wasabi Beef Fajitas
1 large sweet red pepper, julienned (I used a green pepper)
12 green onions with tops, cut in half lengthwise (I used 1/2 cup chopped yellow onion)
2 tbsp sesame oil, divided
1 lb. uncooked beef stir-fry strips (I used flank steak)
2 tsp cornstarch
3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tsp prepared wasabi
2 tsp minced fresh ginger
1 tsp minced garlic (I used two, we like garlic)
8 (8-inch) flour tortillas, warmed
1 cup coleslaw mix (I just used chopped cabbage)
In a large skillet, stir-fry pepper and onions in 1 tbsp oil for 3 minutes, add cabbage, saute until all ingredients are tender. Remove and set aside. In the same skillet, stir-fry the beef in the remaining oil for 5 minutes/until no longer pink.
In a small bowl, combine the cornstarch, soy sauce, wasabi, ginger, and garlic until blended over beef. Bring to a boil; cook and stiry-fry for 2 minutes or until thickened. Return pepper mixture to the pan, heat through.
Spoon 1/2 cup mixture down the center of each tortilla. Fold one side of tortilla over filling and roll up. Serve immediately.
Makes 8 servings.
We added guacamole with the typical ingredients: avocado, onion, tomato, cayenne pepper, garlic, salt and pepper, but I've made a new discovery down here that I haven't seen before-fajita seasoning. I added a tsp or so to the guacamole and it made it very, very delicious. I was quite impressed.
Enjoy! :)
I might be a bit psychotic about my cookbooks, but since I have about fifty of them I feel the need to be, not to mention all of the recipes I get from and pinterest. I always write down the best recipes from the internet so that if the internet ever crashes and burns I will still have them all written down. I flag allof the recipes I want to try, and I just added two excel spreadsheets to my list: "Recipes to Try", and "Favorite Recipes". This way I can keep track of what we will try and what we have tried and loved. This is easily the most organized section of my life.
I took a job as a medical-surgical nurse at the local hospital. I do not start until the second week of September, though. Until then, I'll be fine-tuning my brain, watching a lot of crappy TV, organizing my closet, and cooking a bunch of new recipes because, well, I have the time.
I also started playing volleyball with a team on base. It's just for fun, and it really is! Most of the players are boys in Chris' squadron so last time I played I had to come home to tell Chris, "If everyone is talking about the girl who got smacked in the face on the first play yesterday, that was me. I'm sorry!" He tried not to laugh as he hugged me.
Yesterday I caught up on "The Mindy Project" (new favorite show) and worked on Excel spreadsheets for the cabinets, fridge, and freezer. Yes, I am that nerdy. I have my reasons. I can't stand the idea that I might go buy another can of evaporated milk at the store when I have one at home. I've also been organizing closets. All of this is great, but I still have two rooms that I really need to clean up. My priorities are out of whack. :)
Anyway, on to the more enjoyable things-last night's dinner was FABULOUS. Chris and I have a ratings system where he gives it 1-5 stars. If something gets 3 or less stars and I can't improve it, I never make it again. We can do this because I've got 30+ cookbooks (no joke) and we don't have time to waste on "okay" recipes. This brings me to "Heirlooms". When I die, what I would love to be able to give our grandkids my cookbooks with all of my notes scribbled in them. The notes are overly honest and often I scribble how to improve the recipe in the margins. I've been known to write, "THIS IS CRAP" when something really sucks. This did not suck, and it was not overwhelming with the wasabi. I'm sure you could lessen or increase the amount of wasabi if you wanted to!
Well, here is a five-star recipe (in our opinion):
Wasabi Beef Fajitas
1 large sweet red pepper, julienned (I used a green pepper)
12 green onions with tops, cut in half lengthwise (I used 1/2 cup chopped yellow onion)
2 tbsp sesame oil, divided
1 lb. uncooked beef stir-fry strips (I used flank steak)
2 tsp cornstarch
3 tbsp soy sauce
2 tsp prepared wasabi
2 tsp minced fresh ginger
1 tsp minced garlic (I used two, we like garlic)
8 (8-inch) flour tortillas, warmed
1 cup coleslaw mix (I just used chopped cabbage)
In a large skillet, stir-fry pepper and onions in 1 tbsp oil for 3 minutes, add cabbage, saute until all ingredients are tender. Remove and set aside. In the same skillet, stir-fry the beef in the remaining oil for 5 minutes/until no longer pink.
In a small bowl, combine the cornstarch, soy sauce, wasabi, ginger, and garlic until blended over beef. Bring to a boil; cook and stiry-fry for 2 minutes or until thickened. Return pepper mixture to the pan, heat through.
Spoon 1/2 cup mixture down the center of each tortilla. Fold one side of tortilla over filling and roll up. Serve immediately.
Makes 8 servings.
We added guacamole with the typical ingredients: avocado, onion, tomato, cayenne pepper, garlic, salt and pepper, but I've made a new discovery down here that I haven't seen before-fajita seasoning. I added a tsp or so to the guacamole and it made it very, very delicious. I was quite impressed.
Enjoy! :)
I might be a bit psychotic about my cookbooks, but since I have about fifty of them I feel the need to be, not to mention all of the recipes I get from and pinterest. I always write down the best recipes from the internet so that if the internet ever crashes and burns I will still have them all written down. I flag allof the recipes I want to try, and I just added two excel spreadsheets to my list: "Recipes to Try", and "Favorite Recipes". This way I can keep track of what we will try and what we have tried and loved. This is easily the most organized section of my life.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
The Saga Continues...
I just got back from a little grocery run at our local mart--Dollar General.
That's right, our Dollar General meets most of your grocery needs. They sell beer, wine, cream cheese, clothes, underwear, etc. I was surprised at how many things they actually sold! When we moved in our landlord said, "You'll frequent Dollar General. Everyone does."
I wasn't sure what that meant then, but I know now that means that if you need bread/cheese/milk that's where you go. I like that there is at least an option. I obviously bought the things that matter, like candy corn and peanuts because FALL is coming. Yes, I am your typical white female, I friggin' love fall. It seems I shopped there just in time, as they close at 3pm every day due to A/C issues. And in Texas, A/C issues are much more than issues.
Today is a busy one for me, I'm getting my hair colored, back to red, later this afternoon. This morning I had an interview for a job that I would really, really like. I'm hoping to hear from them this afternoon or tomorrow, because I was offered another job yesterday, and have an interview for yet ANOTHER job possibly tomorrow. It would be really great to know which direction to head. The job from yesterday would be great experience and the staff seemed incredibly nice, but it's a drive and there are on-call hours, which could mean upwards of 120 miles on my car each day. The job from today is closer, the staff is really nice, and it's a small hospital that could teach me a lot. I've got my fingers and toes crossed.
Nalli ran away last week. I ran around a town with 3,000
That's right, our Dollar General meets most of your grocery needs. They sell beer, wine, cream cheese, clothes, underwear, etc. I was surprised at how many things they actually sold! When we moved in our landlord said, "You'll frequent Dollar General. Everyone does."
I wasn't sure what that meant then, but I know now that means that if you need bread/cheese/milk that's where you go. I like that there is at least an option. I obviously bought the things that matter, like candy corn and peanuts because FALL is coming. Yes, I am your typical white female, I friggin' love fall. It seems I shopped there just in time, as they close at 3pm every day due to A/C issues. And in Texas, A/C issues are much more than issues.
Today is a busy one for me, I'm getting my hair colored, back to red, later this afternoon. This morning I had an interview for a job that I would really, really like. I'm hoping to hear from them this afternoon or tomorrow, because I was offered another job yesterday, and have an interview for yet ANOTHER job possibly tomorrow. It would be really great to know which direction to head. The job from yesterday would be great experience and the staff seemed incredibly nice, but it's a drive and there are on-call hours, which could mean upwards of 120 miles on my car each day. The job from today is closer, the staff is really nice, and it's a small hospital that could teach me a lot. I've got my fingers and toes crossed.
Nalli ran away last week. I ran around a town with 3,000
people crying and whistling. An unforgettable sight I'm sure,
I could be the talk of the town now. After running around in
110 degree heat for a couple of hours, I decided to go home
and get a drink before I passed out. Suddenly, I hear the
front door close tighter and I figured it was someone about
to knock that I would have to talk to. Somehow, miraculously,
my prayers were answered, and it was Nalli leaning against
the front door just waiting for me to come home or to let her back in.
I went to open the door, but I was down on my knees, sobbing
I went to open the door, but I was down on my knees, sobbing
and crawling toward her. She skillfully avoided my attempt at
a hug and went straight to the water dish. These dogs sure do
know how to make you feel loved.
Our kitchen here is set up differently than the one in Florida,
Our kitchen here is set up differently than the one in Florida,
where the carpet made lines so that the dogs knew they
could not cross into kitchen territory, but here the dogs
have to cross through the distant end of the kitchen to go
outside. We put down some electrical tape to draw the line,
but as you can see here, that's working very well.
![]() Nalli, testing the boundaries |
Bart is impossible to keep busy. We gave him a huge knuckle bone (larger than my fist) and it kept him busy for no more than a few hours. He really is something. He won't stay in his kennel so now we just lock him in the bathroom.
Ruby was sleeping in a puddle outside to stay cool, so we decided to cover it with rubber mulch. She no longer wants to sleep there. She found a new puddle to sleep in. We cannot win with this dog. I don't even want to give her a bath anymore, because within the hour she will be dirty again. Oh, Ruby.
Ruby was sleeping in a puddle outside to stay cool, so we decided to cover it with rubber mulch. She no longer wants to sleep there. She found a new puddle to sleep in. We cannot win with this dog. I don't even want to give her a bath anymore, because within the hour she will be dirty again. Oh, Ruby.
Chris officially starts the next portion of flight school on Monday. It means I will be seeing a lot less of him-either when he is gone or because he will be in his man cave, studying. I've enjoyed the last couple of weeks, though, only worrying about having time to hang out with him.
We had a friend of his over for dinner a few nights ago-a fellow Marine jet pilot whose wife is in the Navy and is currently deployed. They haven't really lived together since they've been married! I can't imagine going through what they are going through, and both being selfless and fighting for our country and our freedom. That's an admirable couple.
Now that we have pictures hung on the walls, and less boxes around, our house is really starting to look like a home. It's much smaller than our last place, but it's cozy. I wish we were closer to home because it's the type of home you'd want to host Christmas in.
Robin Williams died this week, by suicide. Social media is cruel in a way that it shows you the same story, in many different ways, at all hours of the day. There was little privacy for the family. I know that suicides happen every day, but it's been quite a few years since I felt personally affected by the loss of a dear human life to suicide. I have never been there myself, where I felt so down that I thought it would be better to be dead. My heart aches knowing that another soul felt that way. Robin Williams was in a bunch of movies and even more as a voice actor. My brother, who has autism, has worn out his tapes of Flubber and Aladdin to the point where I can't even believe they play anymore. Every year growing up, my family watched a movie on New Year's Eve. To begin 2000, we watched Bicentennial Man. Chris watched Mrs. Doubtfire with his four sisters and his brother in their van on nearly every roadtrip. His favorite movie is Good Will Hunting. Countless other movies affected our lives and he was such an entertainer, and so cared for our homeless and our troops; it's just really hard to know that the world is a bit of a darker place with him gone.
I stopped and asked Chris the other night, "Is it dumb to care this much about someone I didn't know?" He hugged me and told me it wasn't. I'm so glad I have someone that doesn't make me feel silly.
I've had time to make some really wonderful dinners lately, as I've had the time and Chris has been around to enjoy them. I'd like to share some of my favorites below:
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Y'all Get to Texas!
Let's see, 19 days ago we found out we were moving to Texas and Chris would be flying jets for the rest of his career as a Marine Aviator. 15 days ago we got orders. 14 days ago we scheduled movers to come pack our things and move us from Florida to Texas. 8 days ago the packers came to put everything we owned into boxes. 7 days ago movers loaded all of our belongings onto a truck. 6 days ago we arrived in Texas and saw our new home. 5 days ago our belongings arrived at our new home with about 700 square feet less of space. 3 bottles of Moscato later, our house is somewhat put together. Today I hung pictures on the wall, and that is a pretty big deal, my readers.
The town we live in now is called Bishop. We live near the famous King Ranch ( and that's pretty much the only claim to fame around here. It's weird to be back in a small town after living In Omaha, living near D.C. and then in Pensacola.
I think the only way to accurately portray what I'm going through is by interview, so here goes.
What is your favorite thing to do in Bishop?
Well, when I used Google Maps to research "entertainment", all that came up was one RedBox and one bar. We haven't utilized either.
What amenities are available to you?
Well, when I called to set up cable/internet last week on Wednesday, the customer service representative actually laughed at me when I asked if someone could come out the next day. Apparently that is unheard of.
Was it important to you to have a handicap accessible house?
Well, our movers really appreciated it, but the handicap accessible ramp was not on our list of priorities, no.
How many cats did you expect to receive with your new home?
To be honest, we weren't expecting any cats. Thank goodness the elderly lady who lived here previously (and did not die here, in case you were wondering), was kind enough to feed 13 stray cats who managed to hang around long after she was gone. Madison, a calico cat, was brave enough to sleep on our front porch the other day. A Nalli on a leash quickly taught her that that was a terrible idea.
What's your favorite game to play in your new town?
We may as well continue the cat conversation, as Chris and I enjoy counting cats while on our morning run. I won yesterday with 14 cats while he lost with just 1. Mind you, all 15 were seen in the first two miles of our run.
Where is the nearest hypnotic bullseye that makes you buy things (Target)?
35 miles away. I don't want to talk about it.
Is there a grocery store nearby?
Not in my town. The next town over has H.E.B. It's like a wannabe Hy-Vee but the H.E.B. is short for Henry Edward Butts. It's sufficient.
What have you been doing without Wi-Fi for almost an entire week?
I've been very thankful for our extensive movie collection, and trying to find room for all of my kitchenware/dishes.
How does Bishop keep up with the times?
It doesn't. If you want to pay for gas at the station with your debit card, you have to wait for the dial-up internet. Painful.
How did Ruby handle the move?
Pretty well. Her new "spot" is in the bedroom, with her head under the bed, trying to muffle the sounds of the rest of us being alive.
How about Nalli?
Nalli escaped twice in the first two days. Our house is lifted off the ground and she Army crawled right under it. The first time, we looked up out the front door and she was outside just watching us. The second time was after our landlord had been at our house for half an hour when he asked, "By the way, are all of your dogs in the backyard?" We ran out to check; she wasn't. Chris jumped in the Jeep and drove around the corner, she was trying to find shade in the terrible Texas heat, panting like she might pass out. She hasn't tried to run away since.
And Bart?
Bart broke out of his kennel the first time we left the house. He decided to devour an entire loaf of bread as well as rip open a bag of coffee grounds and fling them all over. He was awake for about 48 hours after that.
How do people like to decorate in Bishop?
The local trend seems to be mattresses in the yard. The really artistic townspeople have a mattress AND a boxspring!
What are you neighbors like?
We haven't really met any of them yet. The young daughter of one of the local mattress artists threw her small dog at us today-and I wish I was kidding, but we were walking Bart and Ruby and she picked the dog up, walked toward us, and threw her dog toward us. I remained very cool and said, "Honey, my dog is not nice to other dogs, can you please pick your dog up?" I swear to you, this girl did not know English, because she stared at me and then walked away. It's probably a good thing I didn't say what I really wanted to, which was something like, "Who the hell throws a dog? Where are your parents?! Where did you learn that you little monster?!"
Are there any landmarks in Bishop?
Yes! I use the broken-down school bus across the street to find our house.
Was it hard to move around the house with all of those boxes?
Yes, it was hard for all of us. Ruby had the hardest time, though. I went into the bathroom to grab something and she was standing near the toilet, presumably having just drank from it (which is not allowed). I shook my head at her and left. I returned ten minutes later with her in the same awkward standing position, not having moved an inch. "Okay, Ruby, what is wrong with you?" I walk over and realize that she managed to get her front legs over the cord but not her back legs, so she was just standing there waiting for someone to come save her.
Are you enjoying the wildlife?
Yes, but Nalli is enjoying it more than anyone. I came outside the other morning to find her foaming at the mouth because she tried to lick a toad.
Did you receive any housewarming gifts?
Yes! My most thoughtful husband bought me a bugzapper! We were disappointed, though, because this one is 50% quieter than other bugzappers. We had planned on drinking beer on the back porch listening to the sweet sounds of bugs' lives ending.
How did the dogs travel?
So well! The highlight was definitely when Nalli jumped out of the driver's side window of my car and followed me into the gas station. Thankfully, some lady in the parking lot said, "Uh, your dog like, jumped out of your car..." to me so I noticed before we walked through the door.
Is your new home suitable for people your size?
No. We hit our head on the light fixtures multiple times before we had to ask the landlords to replace them. We also crouch in the shower.
How is Chris blending in to Texas?
He bought cowboy boots. Fantasy fulfilled. ;)
How important are three-prong outlets?
Not important. Unless you want to plug in anything that's been made in the last ten years.
One last question, what is your favorite room in the house?
I can tell you my least favorite room! Did you know wood paneling still exists? It does.
Enjoy laughing at my pain, friends! Yee-haw!
The town we live in now is called Bishop. We live near the famous King Ranch ( and that's pretty much the only claim to fame around here. It's weird to be back in a small town after living In Omaha, living near D.C. and then in Pensacola.
I think the only way to accurately portray what I'm going through is by interview, so here goes.
What is your favorite thing to do in Bishop?
Well, when I used Google Maps to research "entertainment", all that came up was one RedBox and one bar. We haven't utilized either.
What amenities are available to you?
Well, when I called to set up cable/internet last week on Wednesday, the customer service representative actually laughed at me when I asked if someone could come out the next day. Apparently that is unheard of.
Was it important to you to have a handicap accessible house?
Well, our movers really appreciated it, but the handicap accessible ramp was not on our list of priorities, no.
How many cats did you expect to receive with your new home?
To be honest, we weren't expecting any cats. Thank goodness the elderly lady who lived here previously (and did not die here, in case you were wondering), was kind enough to feed 13 stray cats who managed to hang around long after she was gone. Madison, a calico cat, was brave enough to sleep on our front porch the other day. A Nalli on a leash quickly taught her that that was a terrible idea.
What's your favorite game to play in your new town?
We may as well continue the cat conversation, as Chris and I enjoy counting cats while on our morning run. I won yesterday with 14 cats while he lost with just 1. Mind you, all 15 were seen in the first two miles of our run.
Where is the nearest hypnotic bullseye that makes you buy things (Target)?
35 miles away. I don't want to talk about it.
Is there a grocery store nearby?
Not in my town. The next town over has H.E.B. It's like a wannabe Hy-Vee but the H.E.B. is short for Henry Edward Butts. It's sufficient.
What have you been doing without Wi-Fi for almost an entire week?
I've been very thankful for our extensive movie collection, and trying to find room for all of my kitchenware/dishes.
How does Bishop keep up with the times?
It doesn't. If you want to pay for gas at the station with your debit card, you have to wait for the dial-up internet. Painful.
How did Ruby handle the move?
Pretty well. Her new "spot" is in the bedroom, with her head under the bed, trying to muffle the sounds of the rest of us being alive.
How about Nalli?
Nalli escaped twice in the first two days. Our house is lifted off the ground and she Army crawled right under it. The first time, we looked up out the front door and she was outside just watching us. The second time was after our landlord had been at our house for half an hour when he asked, "By the way, are all of your dogs in the backyard?" We ran out to check; she wasn't. Chris jumped in the Jeep and drove around the corner, she was trying to find shade in the terrible Texas heat, panting like she might pass out. She hasn't tried to run away since.
And Bart?
Bart broke out of his kennel the first time we left the house. He decided to devour an entire loaf of bread as well as rip open a bag of coffee grounds and fling them all over. He was awake for about 48 hours after that.
How do people like to decorate in Bishop?
The local trend seems to be mattresses in the yard. The really artistic townspeople have a mattress AND a boxspring!
What are you neighbors like?
We haven't really met any of them yet. The young daughter of one of the local mattress artists threw her small dog at us today-and I wish I was kidding, but we were walking Bart and Ruby and she picked the dog up, walked toward us, and threw her dog toward us. I remained very cool and said, "Honey, my dog is not nice to other dogs, can you please pick your dog up?" I swear to you, this girl did not know English, because she stared at me and then walked away. It's probably a good thing I didn't say what I really wanted to, which was something like, "Who the hell throws a dog? Where are your parents?! Where did you learn that you little monster?!"
Are there any landmarks in Bishop?
Yes! I use the broken-down school bus across the street to find our house.
Was it hard to move around the house with all of those boxes?
Yes, it was hard for all of us. Ruby had the hardest time, though. I went into the bathroom to grab something and she was standing near the toilet, presumably having just drank from it (which is not allowed). I shook my head at her and left. I returned ten minutes later with her in the same awkward standing position, not having moved an inch. "Okay, Ruby, what is wrong with you?" I walk over and realize that she managed to get her front legs over the cord but not her back legs, so she was just standing there waiting for someone to come save her.
Are you enjoying the wildlife?
Yes, but Nalli is enjoying it more than anyone. I came outside the other morning to find her foaming at the mouth because she tried to lick a toad.
Did you receive any housewarming gifts?
Yes! My most thoughtful husband bought me a bugzapper! We were disappointed, though, because this one is 50% quieter than other bugzappers. We had planned on drinking beer on the back porch listening to the sweet sounds of bugs' lives ending.
How did the dogs travel?
So well! The highlight was definitely when Nalli jumped out of the driver's side window of my car and followed me into the gas station. Thankfully, some lady in the parking lot said, "Uh, your dog like, jumped out of your car..." to me so I noticed before we walked through the door.
Is your new home suitable for people your size?
No. We hit our head on the light fixtures multiple times before we had to ask the landlords to replace them. We also crouch in the shower.
How is Chris blending in to Texas?
He bought cowboy boots. Fantasy fulfilled. ;)
How important are three-prong outlets?
Not important. Unless you want to plug in anything that's been made in the last ten years.
One last question, what is your favorite room in the house?
I can tell you my least favorite room! Did you know wood paneling still exists? It does.
Enjoy laughing at my pain, friends! Yee-haw!
Thursday, July 17, 2014
The Whirlwind
I think it's safe to say that my life with Chris has been an absolute whirlwind, from meeting him, to marrying him, to following him across the country again, and again, and yes, again.
That's right, we are headed to Texas!
Chris' selection for flight school was today. I had switched days at work so I could work Monday and have today off to support him. My plan was to get him up early and go for a long run to kill some serious time. WELL, Christopher didn't get up too early, but we did go for a 5.5 mile run this morning. We hurried back so I could shower because I had someone coming over to buy an office chair; I was originally going to sell it at the garage sale I am a part of this weekend, but this lady wanted to buy it early! I was very happy about that-it's just one less thing to lug over.
I wasn't sure that it would be the best timing, but it turns out it is perfect-if we sell this stuff this weekend, then we have that much less to pack up in a couple of weeks.
Yes, a couple of weeks. We didn't get any definite answers about what the next few weeks would be like, but his report date in Kingsville, TX, is likely August 18. So, I will set up another move and get us out of here before the end of July so we can settle in Texas. Housing in Kingsville is scarce, so I have been all over Facebook spouses' groups asking for advice and what to do next! I have some "gouge" as Chris would call it, and at least know what direction to go from here.
It's a 12-hour drive from here, meaning we will make it in a day. Chris is allotted ten days of house-hunting leave, so if we don't find a place right away, we will figure it out. I like to plan, I usually sign a lease the day we get into town, or sign one before we even get there. We have been so lucky to have amazing landlords along the way.
I hate that I am leaving my good friend, Sarah, and her baby Addie across the street. Having one of my best friends as my neighbor is unbelievable. I have been so blessed having her for when I need her or need to talk.
It is amazing that Chris selected this week. He had a lot of help along the way from staff and instructors, but I can't remember the last time I prayed so hard. I prayed on Friday because Chris was supposed to go on a cross-country, but something was wrong with his plane, so they had to turn around. He was supposed to complete three flights that day, rest on Saturday in St. Louis, and then fly back home in three flights on Sunday. Our brother-in-law was having his birthday party in St. Louis that weekend, so it was amazing that Chris would be able to go and see some of his family there. I find it hard to believe that my praying didn't have a hand in that, especially when Chris got another plane that Friday and made it.
Or how about on Monday? When he had two flights to do but was barely able? Or Tuesday when he got into a plane twice for his last flight, but had to get out due to lightning, had an instructor give up on him, and somehow at the end of the day he managed to snag another plane, instructor, and window of decent weather to finish? Or how about that he was the only Marine to select this week in Pensacola, which could have also increased his chances?
Like I said, I don't know that I have ever prayed so hard. Once we found out he was selecting today, I had a new subject to pray about. This time it was, "God, I don't know what your plan is. I just pray that Chris is happy."
We went to base today around noon so Chris could show me around Whiting Field. I had never seen the simulators, nor had I seen any of the buildings he has been talking about for the last five months. He had a few things to show me and then it was just a matter of killing time before we found out what Chris is going to fly for the rest of his career as a Marine. We were supposed to meet with the Commanding Officer of his squadron around 1:30, but we were called into his office a little before that, which took us both by surprise. Since Chris was the only one selecting, he just had us come into our office. I have a lot of respect for his CO, because he was open and honest and gave us some things to really think about.
He told Chris that Marines care about him being an officer more than him being an aviator, because you can teach a monkey to fly but you can't instill what it means to be an officer in just anyone. He reminded Chris that he could have an amazing career, but there are three things that are more important, because without those three things that career means nothing. He said that "Faith, Family, and Honor" come first. He told me that my support was going to be a deciding factor in how Chris did in further schooling. I really appreciated the time and thought he put into what he had to say.
Then he said, "Well, I know you are still waiting for what you really want to hear. I know you really wanted C-130s, but the Marine Corps just doesn't have any spots for those right now...but they do have jets." Chris said, "Shit", in disbelief. I flung my hands toward my face in disbelief. I started crying. Chris might have, too. I don't even know. The CO asked me if I was disappointed, and I feverously shook my head, "Not at all!" Chris had gone back and forth between jets and C-130s every day for nearly six months, and he got one of his top two picks. It's really unbelievable. We are blessed beyond belief to have each other, and now this, and an amazing group of friends that came out to support us and cheer us on tonight. Our friends are really selfless and wonderful people.
I keep catching his eye across the room and he gives me that look like, "We're really doing this."
And so our Most Excellent Marine Corps Adventure continues. :)
That's right, we are headed to Texas!
Chris' selection for flight school was today. I had switched days at work so I could work Monday and have today off to support him. My plan was to get him up early and go for a long run to kill some serious time. WELL, Christopher didn't get up too early, but we did go for a 5.5 mile run this morning. We hurried back so I could shower because I had someone coming over to buy an office chair; I was originally going to sell it at the garage sale I am a part of this weekend, but this lady wanted to buy it early! I was very happy about that-it's just one less thing to lug over.
I wasn't sure that it would be the best timing, but it turns out it is perfect-if we sell this stuff this weekend, then we have that much less to pack up in a couple of weeks.
Yes, a couple of weeks. We didn't get any definite answers about what the next few weeks would be like, but his report date in Kingsville, TX, is likely August 18. So, I will set up another move and get us out of here before the end of July so we can settle in Texas. Housing in Kingsville is scarce, so I have been all over Facebook spouses' groups asking for advice and what to do next! I have some "gouge" as Chris would call it, and at least know what direction to go from here.
It's a 12-hour drive from here, meaning we will make it in a day. Chris is allotted ten days of house-hunting leave, so if we don't find a place right away, we will figure it out. I like to plan, I usually sign a lease the day we get into town, or sign one before we even get there. We have been so lucky to have amazing landlords along the way.
I hate that I am leaving my good friend, Sarah, and her baby Addie across the street. Having one of my best friends as my neighbor is unbelievable. I have been so blessed having her for when I need her or need to talk.
It is amazing that Chris selected this week. He had a lot of help along the way from staff and instructors, but I can't remember the last time I prayed so hard. I prayed on Friday because Chris was supposed to go on a cross-country, but something was wrong with his plane, so they had to turn around. He was supposed to complete three flights that day, rest on Saturday in St. Louis, and then fly back home in three flights on Sunday. Our brother-in-law was having his birthday party in St. Louis that weekend, so it was amazing that Chris would be able to go and see some of his family there. I find it hard to believe that my praying didn't have a hand in that, especially when Chris got another plane that Friday and made it.
Or how about on Monday? When he had two flights to do but was barely able? Or Tuesday when he got into a plane twice for his last flight, but had to get out due to lightning, had an instructor give up on him, and somehow at the end of the day he managed to snag another plane, instructor, and window of decent weather to finish? Or how about that he was the only Marine to select this week in Pensacola, which could have also increased his chances?
Like I said, I don't know that I have ever prayed so hard. Once we found out he was selecting today, I had a new subject to pray about. This time it was, "God, I don't know what your plan is. I just pray that Chris is happy."
We went to base today around noon so Chris could show me around Whiting Field. I had never seen the simulators, nor had I seen any of the buildings he has been talking about for the last five months. He had a few things to show me and then it was just a matter of killing time before we found out what Chris is going to fly for the rest of his career as a Marine. We were supposed to meet with the Commanding Officer of his squadron around 1:30, but we were called into his office a little before that, which took us both by surprise. Since Chris was the only one selecting, he just had us come into our office. I have a lot of respect for his CO, because he was open and honest and gave us some things to really think about.
He told Chris that Marines care about him being an officer more than him being an aviator, because you can teach a monkey to fly but you can't instill what it means to be an officer in just anyone. He reminded Chris that he could have an amazing career, but there are three things that are more important, because without those three things that career means nothing. He said that "Faith, Family, and Honor" come first. He told me that my support was going to be a deciding factor in how Chris did in further schooling. I really appreciated the time and thought he put into what he had to say.
Then he said, "Well, I know you are still waiting for what you really want to hear. I know you really wanted C-130s, but the Marine Corps just doesn't have any spots for those right now...but they do have jets." Chris said, "Shit", in disbelief. I flung my hands toward my face in disbelief. I started crying. Chris might have, too. I don't even know. The CO asked me if I was disappointed, and I feverously shook my head, "Not at all!" Chris had gone back and forth between jets and C-130s every day for nearly six months, and he got one of his top two picks. It's really unbelievable. We are blessed beyond belief to have each other, and now this, and an amazing group of friends that came out to support us and cheer us on tonight. Our friends are really selfless and wonderful people.
I keep catching his eye across the room and he gives me that look like, "We're really doing this."
And so our Most Excellent Marine Corps Adventure continues. :)
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
In The Wake of Another Possible Move
In the wake of another possible move, it's probably time to blog or it won't happen again for a very, very long time.
Yes, another move. I think I have told most everyone about this possible move, but the realization of it coming right around the corner is about enough to make my hair fall out. Chris managed to snag himself a cross-country flight, meaning he will be flying with an instructor to St. Louis this weekend, which will cover 6 of the remaining flights he has in flight school. He has struggled quite a bit for the past few weeks, between deciding what it is he would really like to fly and trying to decide if he wants to keep pushing through the last couple of weeks or take it easy.
He managed to get this cross country flight scheduled so weather-willing and plane availability willing, he will do that this weekend, fly again Monday, finish Tuesday, and select his aircraft on Thursday. Selection is based mostly on the needs of the Marine Corps at that time, so no matter how good Chris' grades are or what he truly wants, it is really want the Marine Corps wants that will happen. I have been asking some more senior wives recently about their experiences following this portion of flight school, called "primary", to see what we are in store for. There have been quite a few that shared their experiences, but all of their responses highlighted on a couple of things; no matter what aircraft Chris selects, he will end up loving it, and these are some of the best years of his career. It will only get steadily more busy and stressful from here.
I feel like he and I have hashed this out so many times. Multiple pros-and-cons lists, asking what would be best for a family, listing reasons to leave, listing reasons to stay. It just goes on and on. Some days he really wants to talk about it; some days I don't. Some days he can't talk about it anymore and I am just dying to ask a question. I can understand now what our friends went through at TBS when they were waiting to find out what MOS they would be selected for. I did not show them near the empathy that I should have at that point in time; I just did not understand. Now we are in the emotional turmoil with Chris' future (and mine) weighing on what the Marine Corps decides. Once again, we are clay in the Marine Corps' hands. They shape our future.
I had to tell work that I may or may not be leaving. I could not give an exact time frame but asked them to hire someone else and let me go PRN (as needed for you non-medical folk), so that if I did leave it would not leave my co-workers in a mess. Unfortunately, that has yet to happen so if we do leave before the end of this month, I hope they can muddle through. I really enjoy my co-workers and will miss them if we leave, but be happy to spend more time with them if we stay.
It looks like if Chris got helicopters, we would stay here for some odd months, Ospreys would mean stay here for a short time before moving to Texas, C-130s will be in Texas, and jet training could be in Texas or Meridian, MS. We drove by Meridian on our way home for Christmas. I have no interest in living there. I have grown accustomed to having a Target down the street.
The hardest thing about this possible move is knowing that there is not a whole lot I can do in preparation-yet-because we don't know when and if we are going anywhere. I have taken everything out of the attic and am preparing for a garage sale. Those are small steps but I won't regret doing those things later!
Yesterday, Bart began his individual, advanced classes at Petsmart. He just wasn't ready to move onto advanced group classes because he lacks very basic social skills. Our instructor, Tiffany, brings her golden retriever to the lessons and yesterday we worked on making Bart walk by her without freaking out and being able to walk up toward each other without him freaking out. Like I said, very basic skills, but it needs to be fixed because he is not fun to take in public. The "Gentle Leader" harness has been an absolute godsend. Bart hates it when he is not the first person or dog to go out the door, so he loses it when he isn't. The other day I had him in the Gentle Leader at the front door and because Ruby and Chris had gone out first, he went berserk. I just stood there and let him freak out; he ended up doing a flip over himself. When he got up, he kind of looked around expecting to see something that caused him to fall, but then he realized he had done it to himself. Chris and I just laughed as we watched him realize that he doesn't need to act like that.
Ruby spends more and more time sleeping every day. She has a favorite bush in the backyard she will hide and sleep in all day long. Nalli and I finally started running again. I hurt my knee back in January and since then really haven't run, but last week we got up to 7 miles. :) I only have Nalli go for 5 1/2 because the road is so tough here as well as the unbearable heat, I just don't know how she would handle it. Even though she looks like she could pass out, she still watches me leave to finish the run wondering why she can't go. I ran 17 miles last week, which I feel pretty good about. This week, I've run 7 so far.
Well, I suppose I should get ready for work.
Yes, another move. I think I have told most everyone about this possible move, but the realization of it coming right around the corner is about enough to make my hair fall out. Chris managed to snag himself a cross-country flight, meaning he will be flying with an instructor to St. Louis this weekend, which will cover 6 of the remaining flights he has in flight school. He has struggled quite a bit for the past few weeks, between deciding what it is he would really like to fly and trying to decide if he wants to keep pushing through the last couple of weeks or take it easy.
He managed to get this cross country flight scheduled so weather-willing and plane availability willing, he will do that this weekend, fly again Monday, finish Tuesday, and select his aircraft on Thursday. Selection is based mostly on the needs of the Marine Corps at that time, so no matter how good Chris' grades are or what he truly wants, it is really want the Marine Corps wants that will happen. I have been asking some more senior wives recently about their experiences following this portion of flight school, called "primary", to see what we are in store for. There have been quite a few that shared their experiences, but all of their responses highlighted on a couple of things; no matter what aircraft Chris selects, he will end up loving it, and these are some of the best years of his career. It will only get steadily more busy and stressful from here.
I feel like he and I have hashed this out so many times. Multiple pros-and-cons lists, asking what would be best for a family, listing reasons to leave, listing reasons to stay. It just goes on and on. Some days he really wants to talk about it; some days I don't. Some days he can't talk about it anymore and I am just dying to ask a question. I can understand now what our friends went through at TBS when they were waiting to find out what MOS they would be selected for. I did not show them near the empathy that I should have at that point in time; I just did not understand. Now we are in the emotional turmoil with Chris' future (and mine) weighing on what the Marine Corps decides. Once again, we are clay in the Marine Corps' hands. They shape our future.
I had to tell work that I may or may not be leaving. I could not give an exact time frame but asked them to hire someone else and let me go PRN (as needed for you non-medical folk), so that if I did leave it would not leave my co-workers in a mess. Unfortunately, that has yet to happen so if we do leave before the end of this month, I hope they can muddle through. I really enjoy my co-workers and will miss them if we leave, but be happy to spend more time with them if we stay.
It looks like if Chris got helicopters, we would stay here for some odd months, Ospreys would mean stay here for a short time before moving to Texas, C-130s will be in Texas, and jet training could be in Texas or Meridian, MS. We drove by Meridian on our way home for Christmas. I have no interest in living there. I have grown accustomed to having a Target down the street.
The hardest thing about this possible move is knowing that there is not a whole lot I can do in preparation-yet-because we don't know when and if we are going anywhere. I have taken everything out of the attic and am preparing for a garage sale. Those are small steps but I won't regret doing those things later!
Yesterday, Bart began his individual, advanced classes at Petsmart. He just wasn't ready to move onto advanced group classes because he lacks very basic social skills. Our instructor, Tiffany, brings her golden retriever to the lessons and yesterday we worked on making Bart walk by her without freaking out and being able to walk up toward each other without him freaking out. Like I said, very basic skills, but it needs to be fixed because he is not fun to take in public. The "Gentle Leader" harness has been an absolute godsend. Bart hates it when he is not the first person or dog to go out the door, so he loses it when he isn't. The other day I had him in the Gentle Leader at the front door and because Ruby and Chris had gone out first, he went berserk. I just stood there and let him freak out; he ended up doing a flip over himself. When he got up, he kind of looked around expecting to see something that caused him to fall, but then he realized he had done it to himself. Chris and I just laughed as we watched him realize that he doesn't need to act like that.
Ruby spends more and more time sleeping every day. She has a favorite bush in the backyard she will hide and sleep in all day long. Nalli and I finally started running again. I hurt my knee back in January and since then really haven't run, but last week we got up to 7 miles. :) I only have Nalli go for 5 1/2 because the road is so tough here as well as the unbearable heat, I just don't know how she would handle it. Even though she looks like she could pass out, she still watches me leave to finish the run wondering why she can't go. I ran 17 miles last week, which I feel pretty good about. This week, I've run 7 so far.
Well, I suppose I should get ready for work.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Well, as usual, I have let time fly by since I last blogged. This is not by choice, however, because if I could make time slow down I sure would. Springtime in Florida is really beautiful. I can't appreciate it like I would at home, though. We had no insufferable winter to make us appreciate when the warmth finally came and the lawn finally turned green. It was like that when we got here, so it's just not as exciting.
I am blogging outside in a bikini trying to bring the bit of tan I had a few weeks ago back to life. It is amazing how hard it is for me to get any color whatsoever and even harder to keep it. Chris, however, got one sunburn and is now magically a natural Floridian.
Chris is enjoying himself quite a bit. He is gone today, unfortunately, doing two flights with an instructor. He is already in the aerobatics portion of flight school. He is figuratively and literally flying through flight school. We thought he would have a break a couple of weeks back, but instead they started him right off at the beginning of that next week and since then he has barely had time to sit down. He found out pretty late last night that someone else had taken leave so he would be flying instead. He has just a few portions left of flight school and as crazy as it sounds, we could move again before the end of the summer.
Moving. Ah, yes. As if the sight of moving trucks didn't give me enough anxiety already, now I have to think about another one coming to invade my life in just a few months. I knew I was in for a ride when I married Chris, but I don't think even he knew how much we would be moving around. Of course, I could be getting completely ahead of myself by saying that we could move in a few months. There is a big chance that Chris could get selected to fly Ospreys or helicopters, which would mean that we would stay in Florida for at least another three months. Regardless of what he selects for, we won't be here much longer than the beginning of 2015. Chris would really like to fly jets of C-130s, and although I am biased, I think he would do very well with either of those. Anyone that has even flown with Chris knows that he has such a calm demeanor when it comes to flying and honestly, I have never seen someone look so natural in a cockpit.
It is a gorgeous day out. Hardly a cloud in the sky, 70s, birds singing, dogs sprawled in the backyard. A gorgeous day but for one reason, not so much. According to the locals, these bugs are called, "lovebugs", but all I know is that they are fornicating directly in my line of sight and being very distracting. I can also tell that they want me to watch, which makes them perverts.
It has really been some kind of year as far as weather goes. Moving down here, we did not expect any kind of snow or ice, but we managed to have an ice storm that closed down the area for three days. Snap forward a few months ahead and a couple of weeks back, our area received 27 inches of rain in just 24 hours. The excessive water caused multiple roads and bridges to collapse in the area. My normal routes for work have been washed away. There are still times where I forget or don't realize that a road is out and look to my right or left and see a mess of broken concrete and red dirt. We were lucky not to, but a lot of people in the area had severe flooding in there homes. Community outreach has been excellent, though, with multiple disaster relief efforts working to help out those in need.
We shut down the day after the flooding at work. I should have enjoyed myself but instead got worked up, as I did not receive a call saying we were closed, just one that we would open at noon. I was concerned I would be late for work and be in trouble. It was silly, really, but I didn't sleep well at all the night before because we were in a tornado warning. We don't have a basement here, and only two interior rooms without windows. I couldn't allow myself to fall asleep like the dogs and Chris had, because I was so afraid we might miss a warning. SO, combine confusion with stress with lack of sleep and what do you get? An anxiety attack while your husband is driving you over a bridge.
Chris has not dealt with me having an anxiety attack. To be honest, I haven't had a bad one in a really long time. Normally, I am able to nip it in the bud with my trusty Xanax. Of course, this time, that was at home. Anxiety is really just such a stupid thing. As I am sitting in the passenger seat, slumped over and desperately trying to get some air in my lungs, I'm sobbing without tears and in my head thinking, "What is wrong with you? Why are you freaking out? You need to stop." But it's like your body is throwing this awful tantrum and won't listen to rhyme or reason. I was just sitting there, praying that I could pull myself out of it. I felt like I was trapped and it was never going to end. Ten minutes later, I finally snapped out of it. I don't remember driving for those ten minutes. I can't decide if it's my mind or my body that is the traitor, sending the other into an overwhelming fit like that. I don't think that my anxiety is nearly as bad as others, but that doesn't mean that it isn't scary. You almost feel like you can't trust yourself because you don't know when you will sell yourself out again.
It ended up being an okay day. Chris took me to a bookstore to calm down and we ended up going home and hanging out. Honestly, after an anxiety attack you are so drained that you don't want to do anything anyway. I always feel like I'm just going through the motions after that, almost like an empty shell while you try to regain some sense of control.
They say dogs are good therapy, so I would agree that going home to be with three of them was probably the best thing I could do.
Work has been going pretty well. The real unfortunate thing about being a non-profit organization is that you are often over-worked and understaffed. Some days are much better than others, thanks to the help of "as needed" staff, but there were two long days last week. It isn't so much the visits that take long, it's THE CHARTING. Oh my goodness, the charting kept me up until two in the morning one of those nights. I spent the rest of the week trying to catch up on sleep. Yesterday I had three patents to admit and I had to close up my computer at midnight and just say I'd come back to it today. At a certain point you are charting for quantity, not quality, and that just doesn't help anyone.
Bart had intermediate training class this morning at Petsmart. We finished up Beginner classes just a few weeks ago and decided to start in intermediate right away instead of waiting. I would not have minded taking some time off because Bart stresses me out in class. He is the dog that barks whenever the other dogs get to move around and he doesn't, and he has anxiety about doors, and often embarrasses me. We are lucky to have the trainer that we have; she is great with him and takes extra time in class to improve his anxiety about other dogs and doors. He is a really fabulous and smart dog. It's just that all of the commotion is a little bit too much for him at times. Nalli would probably be the same way if she were in the classroom.
Bart has begun to take over as the "alpha" family dog. He and Nalli wrestle daily and he has started to hold his head over hers, meaning he is the dominant one. She doesn't seem to be too bothered by it. I"m sure they will have their rounds but for now, they are having fun and getting their exercise with each other. I am actually able to ride my bike and let them go with me one at a time, which is beneficial because my knee is still bothering me from an injury in January.
I began doing T25, a beachbody workout, a couple of weeks ago. I am seeing some results and am pleased with how little time it takes to do the program. I can fit it in before work with some chores and breakfast. It makes for a good start to my day.
My friend, Sarah, that lives across the street got to spend Monday with me, as her air conditioner went out and she has a little one at home. She ended up hanging out with me for most of the day. I got to rock Addelie to sleep and Sarah was very impressed with my skills. Addelie, Sarah, and her husband James ended up coming over and staying for dinner which was really the goal we have had for a few weeks, it just hadn't happened yet. We love spending time with their family and Sarah is one of my best friends in Florida.
We have been doing some really fun things in Florida. Aside from going to the beach every once in a while, we have themed parties with friends. Our friends threw a Kentucky Derby party complete with big hats and mint juleps. We allowed ourselves to bet and lose a couple of dollars to our friends that are about five months pregnant and probably will use it for something useful, whereas we would probably just use it for beer.
The other themed party we went to was a Cajun crawfish boil. I absolutely loved it. The people that threw that party were in Chris' class and they live in a house right off a little river. They boiled 75 pounds of crawfish, corn on the cob, potatoes, and Andouille sausage for us. It was a huge hit; lots of people came out. Chris and I have never had crawfish and we both absolutely loved it. I bet I ate 25 of those little buggers. Delicious. We were also lucky enough to be the people that walked across the dock before the people who fell into the water with the dock, clothed with phones in pockets. That was very unfortunate for them.
Another memorable evening was on a Friday after work, my friends set up a pizza and girls' night. We are all military spouses or in the military ourselves so we always have lots to compla--err--talk about. We met at Mellow Mushroom for some amazing pizza (mine had truffle oil and baby bella mushrooms), and then went to see the movie, "The Other Woman". The movie was really, really funny and pretty witty until the end. Unfortunately the comedy turned south and went after jokes more meant for boys. We truly enjoyed ourselves, though, and overall it was a really great movie. It was a great girls' night that kept me out much later than I normally am!
Chris has been brewing beer now for a couple of months. It gets easier, quicker, and more intricate every time. He does all the brewing so long as I clean and sanitize. My part doesn't take nearly as long but it is harder work. It seems fair. So far we have brewed a Double IPA, a Summer Citrus (tastes like a Hefeweisen), another IPA, and finally, a Watermelon Wheat. I am very excited for the last one as I tried a Watermelon Wheat made by 21st Amendment Brewery last year that was amazing and I could not find in stores after. I have high hopes for that one.
My cousin is getting married in just a few short weeks in Minnesota. I am bummed that Chris can't go home with me, but so excited because my best friend Andrea is going to meet us in Sioux Falls on our drive up there and be my date. I cannot wait to see her and my family, and spend some time in good ol' Nebraska.
It is very unfortunate, however, that the family is not getting along so well. I guess when we lost my Uncle Keith a few months ago I thought it would bring us together and remind us how important family is while we have it. Instead, cousins and brothers and sisters are arguing and I understand why, I just wish that it was easier for us to think about how much we will regret the time we lose with each other when we are fighting and it's things like that we will regret much more than our pride.I deal with it every day of my life; people who die way too soon or people who can't seem to let go because they have loose ends to tie up.
My old college roommate and really good friend called today to talk about a family friend that had just passed away of cancer.One of my biggest realizations about cancer since I started working for hospice is that cancer couldn't give less of a crap about who you are, where you came from, how much money you have (or don't), how many people you have around you that love you, or how good (or bad) of a person you are. Cancer just does not care. It's the most frustrating thing about this disease. It's been a very busy week for me at work with that diagnosis; many of the patients I admitted this week have cancer. It is so awful and painful and I will never understand why people take a turn for the worse when the weather gets nicer. I know that often times people cling on until a birthday or special holiday or family event, and I suppose it's the same way with good weather. They just want to feel it one more time, whether they know it or not. Either way, cancer is a horribly frustrating disease.
I took a short break there to give ALL THREE DOGS a bath in the backyard. They definitely needed it and it is such a nice day out. Ruby is not super happy with me, Nalli looks embarrassed, and Bart is wondering why it's over. I'm just thinking that my productivity for the day is probably over. Now all three smell like apricots. Mmmmm.
I would really love to finish painting furniture this weekend, though. I've been chalk painting everything in sight the past few weekends and I will have to create another post to show off exactly what I have done. So far, I have been incredibly happy with the way everything has turned out. I hope that I can continue that trend as I only have a couple of projects left. I am still in search of a decent dresser for the second bedroom to put blankets and sheets in, but that will come when I find something that I really like.
The other weekend project I would like to conquer is finding some sort of portable garden. We were really lucky in Virginia because our landlords had put in a raised garden that I planted a bunch of stuff in. It was really fun to watch it grow. Unfortunately, here we don't have that setup and if we were to really put time and effort into it, it would be short-lived anyway, assuming we move in a couple of months. I was bidding on an outdoor flower stand this past week but someone outbid me at the last second. I wasn't too pleased about that, but I suppose it was not meant to be. I am hoping to find a metal baker's rack type thing and just use pots for a garden in the future, that way it is more mobile. Again, though, what if we move in two months?
The next time we move we will have to get some sort of small U-haul. We will have the three dogs and since we have done this a couple of times now, we know what we will need for the first few weeks before our things get to the new place and get unpacked.
Listen to me, it's like I think I am a pro or something.
I think Chris subconsciously knew what he was doing this morning when we went to work, driving my car, with my purse and billfold inside it. He knows I like to do some shopping on my days off and was likely trying to prevent that. Sneaky.
Chris and I started watching Game of Thrones, finally, after nearly everyone else. We wanted to see what all the hype was about and I think we kept watching because we learned to hate certain characters and just wanted to watch them die. How terrible does that sound? It's the truth. I could do without all the killing of the innocent people and the horses, though. I get pretty disgusted at all that. It is, HBO, however.
Chris is also into House of Cards now, meanwhile, I am obsessed with Parenthood and cannot get enough of it. I usually dislike any sort of drama but this one has me hooked for sure!
My brothers and parents came down last month to visit us. Luckily, I was able to take off work and Chris a couple days as well so they weren't ever pent up at our house while we were both busy. We were able to take them to some museums, shopping, the beach, but the best thing of all was the food. We were in Destin when we stumbled upon a fresh seafood market and decided to buy a bunch of tuna and juicy shrimp and grill it all up that night. It was so, so good. I will definitely miss that when we move away-that availability of fresh, fresh seafood! Mom also helped me paint a ton of stuff while she was here and got me completely hooked on chalk painting. She helped me paint our old, drab, mismatched table and chairs into Annie Sloan's Old White and Olive. Gorgeous. It looks so unbelievably good.
So it makes sense now why I am always out to buy things to paint and make them beautiful. I like American Paint Company chalk paint as well, it's just different.
Blaise's birthday was the weekend after they left, so we had some apple pie here with him, along with pizza, and I gave him a wooden sign that had the lyrics from "You Are My Sunshine", because we used to sing hat all of the time when we were little. He seemed to really enjoy himself while he was here. He got to sit on the couch and watch movies while we all hung out around him. He seemed very happy and even gave an independent answer when Chris asked him what his favorite part of the trip was. He answered, "Planes" without anyone having to say it to him, and we assume he was talking about the air museum Chris took the family to on base.
Bart is getting protective of me. He hangs around Chris and I whenever he can but right now he is currently chasing bugs away from me. I can't complain. He is such a big baby. And his equilibrium is not great; sometimes when he is a little off kilter we nudge him and he falls over. It is quite funny to watch and I'm sure we aren't the only ones who keep dogs around purely for entertainment.
Chris just called and finished his second flight for the day. He asked if I would go see the "Godzilla" movie with him and in the spirit of togetherness, I will sit through it. That is not my type of movie nor cast, so we will see if I can keep up. Of course, there is always popcorn to keep my spirits up. Why else do we go to movies?
I am blogging outside in a bikini trying to bring the bit of tan I had a few weeks ago back to life. It is amazing how hard it is for me to get any color whatsoever and even harder to keep it. Chris, however, got one sunburn and is now magically a natural Floridian.
Chris is enjoying himself quite a bit. He is gone today, unfortunately, doing two flights with an instructor. He is already in the aerobatics portion of flight school. He is figuratively and literally flying through flight school. We thought he would have a break a couple of weeks back, but instead they started him right off at the beginning of that next week and since then he has barely had time to sit down. He found out pretty late last night that someone else had taken leave so he would be flying instead. He has just a few portions left of flight school and as crazy as it sounds, we could move again before the end of the summer.
Moving. Ah, yes. As if the sight of moving trucks didn't give me enough anxiety already, now I have to think about another one coming to invade my life in just a few months. I knew I was in for a ride when I married Chris, but I don't think even he knew how much we would be moving around. Of course, I could be getting completely ahead of myself by saying that we could move in a few months. There is a big chance that Chris could get selected to fly Ospreys or helicopters, which would mean that we would stay in Florida for at least another three months. Regardless of what he selects for, we won't be here much longer than the beginning of 2015. Chris would really like to fly jets of C-130s, and although I am biased, I think he would do very well with either of those. Anyone that has even flown with Chris knows that he has such a calm demeanor when it comes to flying and honestly, I have never seen someone look so natural in a cockpit.
It is a gorgeous day out. Hardly a cloud in the sky, 70s, birds singing, dogs sprawled in the backyard. A gorgeous day but for one reason, not so much. According to the locals, these bugs are called, "lovebugs", but all I know is that they are fornicating directly in my line of sight and being very distracting. I can also tell that they want me to watch, which makes them perverts.
It has really been some kind of year as far as weather goes. Moving down here, we did not expect any kind of snow or ice, but we managed to have an ice storm that closed down the area for three days. Snap forward a few months ahead and a couple of weeks back, our area received 27 inches of rain in just 24 hours. The excessive water caused multiple roads and bridges to collapse in the area. My normal routes for work have been washed away. There are still times where I forget or don't realize that a road is out and look to my right or left and see a mess of broken concrete and red dirt. We were lucky not to, but a lot of people in the area had severe flooding in there homes. Community outreach has been excellent, though, with multiple disaster relief efforts working to help out those in need.
We shut down the day after the flooding at work. I should have enjoyed myself but instead got worked up, as I did not receive a call saying we were closed, just one that we would open at noon. I was concerned I would be late for work and be in trouble. It was silly, really, but I didn't sleep well at all the night before because we were in a tornado warning. We don't have a basement here, and only two interior rooms without windows. I couldn't allow myself to fall asleep like the dogs and Chris had, because I was so afraid we might miss a warning. SO, combine confusion with stress with lack of sleep and what do you get? An anxiety attack while your husband is driving you over a bridge.
Chris has not dealt with me having an anxiety attack. To be honest, I haven't had a bad one in a really long time. Normally, I am able to nip it in the bud with my trusty Xanax. Of course, this time, that was at home. Anxiety is really just such a stupid thing. As I am sitting in the passenger seat, slumped over and desperately trying to get some air in my lungs, I'm sobbing without tears and in my head thinking, "What is wrong with you? Why are you freaking out? You need to stop." But it's like your body is throwing this awful tantrum and won't listen to rhyme or reason. I was just sitting there, praying that I could pull myself out of it. I felt like I was trapped and it was never going to end. Ten minutes later, I finally snapped out of it. I don't remember driving for those ten minutes. I can't decide if it's my mind or my body that is the traitor, sending the other into an overwhelming fit like that. I don't think that my anxiety is nearly as bad as others, but that doesn't mean that it isn't scary. You almost feel like you can't trust yourself because you don't know when you will sell yourself out again.
It ended up being an okay day. Chris took me to a bookstore to calm down and we ended up going home and hanging out. Honestly, after an anxiety attack you are so drained that you don't want to do anything anyway. I always feel like I'm just going through the motions after that, almost like an empty shell while you try to regain some sense of control.
They say dogs are good therapy, so I would agree that going home to be with three of them was probably the best thing I could do.
Work has been going pretty well. The real unfortunate thing about being a non-profit organization is that you are often over-worked and understaffed. Some days are much better than others, thanks to the help of "as needed" staff, but there were two long days last week. It isn't so much the visits that take long, it's THE CHARTING. Oh my goodness, the charting kept me up until two in the morning one of those nights. I spent the rest of the week trying to catch up on sleep. Yesterday I had three patents to admit and I had to close up my computer at midnight and just say I'd come back to it today. At a certain point you are charting for quantity, not quality, and that just doesn't help anyone.
Bart had intermediate training class this morning at Petsmart. We finished up Beginner classes just a few weeks ago and decided to start in intermediate right away instead of waiting. I would not have minded taking some time off because Bart stresses me out in class. He is the dog that barks whenever the other dogs get to move around and he doesn't, and he has anxiety about doors, and often embarrasses me. We are lucky to have the trainer that we have; she is great with him and takes extra time in class to improve his anxiety about other dogs and doors. He is a really fabulous and smart dog. It's just that all of the commotion is a little bit too much for him at times. Nalli would probably be the same way if she were in the classroom.
Bart has begun to take over as the "alpha" family dog. He and Nalli wrestle daily and he has started to hold his head over hers, meaning he is the dominant one. She doesn't seem to be too bothered by it. I"m sure they will have their rounds but for now, they are having fun and getting their exercise with each other. I am actually able to ride my bike and let them go with me one at a time, which is beneficial because my knee is still bothering me from an injury in January.
I began doing T25, a beachbody workout, a couple of weeks ago. I am seeing some results and am pleased with how little time it takes to do the program. I can fit it in before work with some chores and breakfast. It makes for a good start to my day.
My friend, Sarah, that lives across the street got to spend Monday with me, as her air conditioner went out and she has a little one at home. She ended up hanging out with me for most of the day. I got to rock Addelie to sleep and Sarah was very impressed with my skills. Addelie, Sarah, and her husband James ended up coming over and staying for dinner which was really the goal we have had for a few weeks, it just hadn't happened yet. We love spending time with their family and Sarah is one of my best friends in Florida.
We have been doing some really fun things in Florida. Aside from going to the beach every once in a while, we have themed parties with friends. Our friends threw a Kentucky Derby party complete with big hats and mint juleps. We allowed ourselves to bet and lose a couple of dollars to our friends that are about five months pregnant and probably will use it for something useful, whereas we would probably just use it for beer.
The other themed party we went to was a Cajun crawfish boil. I absolutely loved it. The people that threw that party were in Chris' class and they live in a house right off a little river. They boiled 75 pounds of crawfish, corn on the cob, potatoes, and Andouille sausage for us. It was a huge hit; lots of people came out. Chris and I have never had crawfish and we both absolutely loved it. I bet I ate 25 of those little buggers. Delicious. We were also lucky enough to be the people that walked across the dock before the people who fell into the water with the dock, clothed with phones in pockets. That was very unfortunate for them.
Another memorable evening was on a Friday after work, my friends set up a pizza and girls' night. We are all military spouses or in the military ourselves so we always have lots to compla--err--talk about. We met at Mellow Mushroom for some amazing pizza (mine had truffle oil and baby bella mushrooms), and then went to see the movie, "The Other Woman". The movie was really, really funny and pretty witty until the end. Unfortunately the comedy turned south and went after jokes more meant for boys. We truly enjoyed ourselves, though, and overall it was a really great movie. It was a great girls' night that kept me out much later than I normally am!
Chris has been brewing beer now for a couple of months. It gets easier, quicker, and more intricate every time. He does all the brewing so long as I clean and sanitize. My part doesn't take nearly as long but it is harder work. It seems fair. So far we have brewed a Double IPA, a Summer Citrus (tastes like a Hefeweisen), another IPA, and finally, a Watermelon Wheat. I am very excited for the last one as I tried a Watermelon Wheat made by 21st Amendment Brewery last year that was amazing and I could not find in stores after. I have high hopes for that one.
My cousin is getting married in just a few short weeks in Minnesota. I am bummed that Chris can't go home with me, but so excited because my best friend Andrea is going to meet us in Sioux Falls on our drive up there and be my date. I cannot wait to see her and my family, and spend some time in good ol' Nebraska.
It is very unfortunate, however, that the family is not getting along so well. I guess when we lost my Uncle Keith a few months ago I thought it would bring us together and remind us how important family is while we have it. Instead, cousins and brothers and sisters are arguing and I understand why, I just wish that it was easier for us to think about how much we will regret the time we lose with each other when we are fighting and it's things like that we will regret much more than our pride.I deal with it every day of my life; people who die way too soon or people who can't seem to let go because they have loose ends to tie up.
My old college roommate and really good friend called today to talk about a family friend that had just passed away of cancer.One of my biggest realizations about cancer since I started working for hospice is that cancer couldn't give less of a crap about who you are, where you came from, how much money you have (or don't), how many people you have around you that love you, or how good (or bad) of a person you are. Cancer just does not care. It's the most frustrating thing about this disease. It's been a very busy week for me at work with that diagnosis; many of the patients I admitted this week have cancer. It is so awful and painful and I will never understand why people take a turn for the worse when the weather gets nicer. I know that often times people cling on until a birthday or special holiday or family event, and I suppose it's the same way with good weather. They just want to feel it one more time, whether they know it or not. Either way, cancer is a horribly frustrating disease.
I took a short break there to give ALL THREE DOGS a bath in the backyard. They definitely needed it and it is such a nice day out. Ruby is not super happy with me, Nalli looks embarrassed, and Bart is wondering why it's over. I'm just thinking that my productivity for the day is probably over. Now all three smell like apricots. Mmmmm.
I would really love to finish painting furniture this weekend, though. I've been chalk painting everything in sight the past few weekends and I will have to create another post to show off exactly what I have done. So far, I have been incredibly happy with the way everything has turned out. I hope that I can continue that trend as I only have a couple of projects left. I am still in search of a decent dresser for the second bedroom to put blankets and sheets in, but that will come when I find something that I really like.
The other weekend project I would like to conquer is finding some sort of portable garden. We were really lucky in Virginia because our landlords had put in a raised garden that I planted a bunch of stuff in. It was really fun to watch it grow. Unfortunately, here we don't have that setup and if we were to really put time and effort into it, it would be short-lived anyway, assuming we move in a couple of months. I was bidding on an outdoor flower stand this past week but someone outbid me at the last second. I wasn't too pleased about that, but I suppose it was not meant to be. I am hoping to find a metal baker's rack type thing and just use pots for a garden in the future, that way it is more mobile. Again, though, what if we move in two months?
The next time we move we will have to get some sort of small U-haul. We will have the three dogs and since we have done this a couple of times now, we know what we will need for the first few weeks before our things get to the new place and get unpacked.
Listen to me, it's like I think I am a pro or something.
I think Chris subconsciously knew what he was doing this morning when we went to work, driving my car, with my purse and billfold inside it. He knows I like to do some shopping on my days off and was likely trying to prevent that. Sneaky.
Chris and I started watching Game of Thrones, finally, after nearly everyone else. We wanted to see what all the hype was about and I think we kept watching because we learned to hate certain characters and just wanted to watch them die. How terrible does that sound? It's the truth. I could do without all the killing of the innocent people and the horses, though. I get pretty disgusted at all that. It is, HBO, however.
Chris is also into House of Cards now, meanwhile, I am obsessed with Parenthood and cannot get enough of it. I usually dislike any sort of drama but this one has me hooked for sure!
My brothers and parents came down last month to visit us. Luckily, I was able to take off work and Chris a couple days as well so they weren't ever pent up at our house while we were both busy. We were able to take them to some museums, shopping, the beach, but the best thing of all was the food. We were in Destin when we stumbled upon a fresh seafood market and decided to buy a bunch of tuna and juicy shrimp and grill it all up that night. It was so, so good. I will definitely miss that when we move away-that availability of fresh, fresh seafood! Mom also helped me paint a ton of stuff while she was here and got me completely hooked on chalk painting. She helped me paint our old, drab, mismatched table and chairs into Annie Sloan's Old White and Olive. Gorgeous. It looks so unbelievably good.
So it makes sense now why I am always out to buy things to paint and make them beautiful. I like American Paint Company chalk paint as well, it's just different.
Blaise's birthday was the weekend after they left, so we had some apple pie here with him, along with pizza, and I gave him a wooden sign that had the lyrics from "You Are My Sunshine", because we used to sing hat all of the time when we were little. He seemed to really enjoy himself while he was here. He got to sit on the couch and watch movies while we all hung out around him. He seemed very happy and even gave an independent answer when Chris asked him what his favorite part of the trip was. He answered, "Planes" without anyone having to say it to him, and we assume he was talking about the air museum Chris took the family to on base.
Bart is getting protective of me. He hangs around Chris and I whenever he can but right now he is currently chasing bugs away from me. I can't complain. He is such a big baby. And his equilibrium is not great; sometimes when he is a little off kilter we nudge him and he falls over. It is quite funny to watch and I'm sure we aren't the only ones who keep dogs around purely for entertainment.
Chris just called and finished his second flight for the day. He asked if I would go see the "Godzilla" movie with him and in the spirit of togetherness, I will sit through it. That is not my type of movie nor cast, so we will see if I can keep up. Of course, there is always popcorn to keep my spirits up. Why else do we go to movies?
Friday, March 14, 2014
You Can Call Me Bart
(Please forgive me for writing this in the third person. Or third dog, if you will.)
Hey everyone!
My name is Bart. I am writing you from my new home. The last two days have been an absolute whirlwind. From what I understand, my new mom saw my information online while she was getting a pedicure. She tried to run out of the salon but everyone was worried her nails weren't dry! She couldn't wait to go home and show my dad my picture. The place I was at is called an animal shelter, and although everyone was pretty nice to me, they didn't know anything about me, not even my name. They called me A2254. What kind of a name is that?

I was pretty excited when this boy and girl came up to my kennel at the animal shelter. They practically ran to me and blocked off the door so no one else could see me. My mom fed me snacks after she made sure no one was looking. They tasted like peanut butter! She must have been prepared to meet me. The boy went to get a volunteer who brought out a leash. I don't have very good manners, so when she opened the door I tried to run out, but she caught me and put me on a tiny leash. The boy and girl took me for a short walk. I don't know how to walk on a leash, but I do know that I wanted to smell everything that I possibly could. It was so nice just to be outside of that kennel!
I think the boy and girl liked me, because they went to get their dog, Ruby. She came to the other side of the fence to meet me. I wanted to sniff her very badly, but she just decided to touch noses and she seemed to think I was alright. She waited in the car while mom and dad talked to a volunteer about me. The volunteer didn't know my story, she thought that I was maybe surrendered by my owner, and then she lifted my tail! She said something about "big cajones" but I don't know what that means. All I know is that the boy and girl looked at each other and nodded, and suddenly I was dragging them toward the front door. Unfortunately, we couldn't leave just that second. I had to be tested for heartworms, whatever that means. The last sight I caught of the girl, she had her hands clasped and was whispering as she looked up at the ceiling.
I didn't mean to, but I was so nervous as they checked me for heartworms that I peed everywhere. I mean, there must have been gallons coming out of me. I think I was so excited and nervous that I just couldn't handle myself. It took two tests, but soon someone told mom and dad that I was heartworm negative. The volunteer handed my leash to my new dad, and he took me outside into the sunshine. Mom did paperwork, and as she did, the lady at the desk stopped her and said, "Someone canceled their appointment. Do you want him to get neutered today?"
The original plan was to go home with Dad right away and to get a bath, and come back to be neutered on Saturday. Unfortunately or fortunately, my mom was glad to set up the neutering procedure that day. The problem with getting neutered that day was that I can't take a bath for at least three days. My stitches are dissolvable so I cannot lick them and especially cannot take a bath! I smell terrible! I was kept in a kennel that wasn't big enough for me, and I had to potty in there. I couldn't hold it forever! Since I am what they call a long-haired German Shepherd, there are lots of layers to get through before I can smell clean again.
Mom and Dad said "goodbye", and after they talked to the vet, I went back to have the procedure done. I'm two years old, and rather fond of my "cajones", but I guess it won't be the worst thing to let them go. As long as Mom and Dad come back for me, I will be okay.
Mom went back to work for a few hours. I imagine that she couldn't concentrate nor sit still while she was away from me. I felt the same way. The vet had to give her extra instructions when she picked me up around 5:30. I have an ear infection and hookworms, but things could always be worse! I couldn't wait to get in mom's car. She opened the back door and I waited for her to roll down the window. I stuck my head out for a few minutes as we drove away, but decided to lie down to nap once I knew we were going to be in the car for a while. At one point, mom forgot I was there, and she almost jumped when she saw me in the rear view mirror. She told me that I look like a bear!
I know I'm a big guy; I weigh 71.6 pounds and mom can feel all of my ribs. I have long hair which hides it, but I think I could definitely put on a few pounds! I have huge feet, and once could have had the potential to be much bigger, but I wasn't fed well and so I am underdeveloped. That's okay. Mom and Dad seem to like me the way I am--even though I smell like the kennel, pee, and who knows what else.
When they brought me home, I met my new sisters. One is very old but very pretty, and I like to follow her around. I would actually love it if she would be my girlfriend, but she is not interested. My other sister is about three times my age, and she just likes to play. I guess she is the alpha female in the house, because she keeps trying to assert her dominance on me. I am not sure what she is trying to prove by humping me, but I guess if it makes her feel better, whatever! After I met my new sisters, mom and dad were going to go to the store to get me some essentials, but I am kind of a brute and tried to break out through the gate in the backyard. They ended up having to take me to the store.
It ended up being okay that I went with, because I met my trainer at Petsmart, and he told mom and dad what to do when I start yipping. He also helped them by giving them information about crate training.
I don't know what crates are but I really don't know if I like mine. Mom and Dad kind of dove in and I was okay with it for about two hours before I about had an anxiety attack. Today was better. The crate is where I get hot dogs! I think I will be okay with the crate; it will just take a few days to adjust. Luckily for mom and dad, I am already housetrained. I know I had an owner at one point, but they left me tethered outside for most of my life. That's why I tend to bark a lot at other dogs. I really like to be inside. I hardly ever go outside unless it is to go potty or play with my sisters.

I played for nearly two hours with my sister earlier today. She loves to wrestle and play chase. I don't mind because it just feels good to stretch my legs. Mom gave me Benadryl at midnight last night, and again around 10 this morning. It helped calm my nerves so I was able to take a few good naps today.
I swear, when I got to my new home, it was like I had never peed before. Mom and dad laughed but I bet I peed five gallons in the backyard. I was just so nervous when I was at the shelter! I also threw up most of the food they fed me there, but I haven't thrown up anything my new mom and dad have given me. I grew up around girls so I pee like one. And even though I can never be totally sure that they will keep me forever, I feel much more comfortable here.
Mom and Dad are impressed by every little thing I do. When I learned I am not supposed to drink out of the toilet, they cheered. When I learned that dogs aren't allowed in the kitchen, they were very excited. I still forget this rule, but they keep reminding me. Every time I go in my kennel by myself, they give me pieces of hot dogs and tell me what a good boy I am. That's why it is easy to like the kennel! In fact, right now I am relaxing in my kennel. Mom keeps increasing the time I am in there. At first. I would only be in my kennel for about thirty seconds before she opened the door. Now I can be in my kennel for much longer without whining! I have quickly realized that the kennel is a magical place where I can just relax and get treats.
One thing I do not like about my new house is the cone of shame. I have to wear it whenever I start licking the stitches I have where my cajones used to be. Mom tries to distract me when I start so I don't have to wear it, but she can't watch me every second of the day.
I think I have been very therapeutic for mom. For some reason, I was meant to show up to the shelter when I did. Mom had been looking for me for months, but this week was the week I decided to show up at the shelter. For some reason, I was meant to go home with her yesterday so I could be with her today. I think she is going through a rough time because sometimes I look at her and she is crying. I don't know what an uncle is but she gets sad when she thinks about him. Hopefully I can make her feel better!
She is trying to make me feel better, too, but I really hate getting nystatin in my ears. I always know it's coming, too, so I try to hide in my kennel. She leaves me alone when I am in my kennel, so I have been able to escape the medicine a few times, but tonight she got both ears and then gave me some nasty tasting stuff so I don't have hookworms any more. I heard her talking on the phone, too, and I have to go to the vet on Wednesday. Hopefully my infections will be gone by then, and my surgical site from neutering will be healed up. I'm sure the vet will check me all over before he gives me the dreaded rabies shot. Mom can't wait to get me to the vet, though, because once we are done there and I get started on heartworm preventative, I can go to the groomer and maybe I won't smell so bad! Also, I'll get to go to the dog park. I have never been there but mom and dad like to go there every weekend. Today they discovered that I LOVE to chase tennis balls, but I don't always like to bring them back. I think they were just happy I showed some interest, because my sisters couldn't care less about tennis balls!
I'm pretty fast for a big guy. I look like a bear when I run. Mom and Dad can't wait to see if I like running once I start feeling better. They also think I will build up a lot of muscle once I put on some weight! Chances are, I'll get better looking every day. Soon I will learn some manners. Right now, I run into everything and everyone. When I have to wear the cone, I run into even more things. Mom cringes when I run into her china hutch. I've only done it twice and luckily I haven't broken anything yet!
Well, I just wanted to let you know that I am adjusting well. Thanks for tuning in to my adventures as a dog who finally has a home and family.
Hey everyone!
My name is Bart. I am writing you from my new home. The last two days have been an absolute whirlwind. From what I understand, my new mom saw my information online while she was getting a pedicure. She tried to run out of the salon but everyone was worried her nails weren't dry! She couldn't wait to go home and show my dad my picture. The place I was at is called an animal shelter, and although everyone was pretty nice to me, they didn't know anything about me, not even my name. They called me A2254. What kind of a name is that?
I was pretty excited when this boy and girl came up to my kennel at the animal shelter. They practically ran to me and blocked off the door so no one else could see me. My mom fed me snacks after she made sure no one was looking. They tasted like peanut butter! She must have been prepared to meet me. The boy went to get a volunteer who brought out a leash. I don't have very good manners, so when she opened the door I tried to run out, but she caught me and put me on a tiny leash. The boy and girl took me for a short walk. I don't know how to walk on a leash, but I do know that I wanted to smell everything that I possibly could. It was so nice just to be outside of that kennel!
I think the boy and girl liked me, because they went to get their dog, Ruby. She came to the other side of the fence to meet me. I wanted to sniff her very badly, but she just decided to touch noses and she seemed to think I was alright. She waited in the car while mom and dad talked to a volunteer about me. The volunteer didn't know my story, she thought that I was maybe surrendered by my owner, and then she lifted my tail! She said something about "big cajones" but I don't know what that means. All I know is that the boy and girl looked at each other and nodded, and suddenly I was dragging them toward the front door. Unfortunately, we couldn't leave just that second. I had to be tested for heartworms, whatever that means. The last sight I caught of the girl, she had her hands clasped and was whispering as she looked up at the ceiling.
I didn't mean to, but I was so nervous as they checked me for heartworms that I peed everywhere. I mean, there must have been gallons coming out of me. I think I was so excited and nervous that I just couldn't handle myself. It took two tests, but soon someone told mom and dad that I was heartworm negative. The volunteer handed my leash to my new dad, and he took me outside into the sunshine. Mom did paperwork, and as she did, the lady at the desk stopped her and said, "Someone canceled their appointment. Do you want him to get neutered today?"
The original plan was to go home with Dad right away and to get a bath, and come back to be neutered on Saturday. Unfortunately or fortunately, my mom was glad to set up the neutering procedure that day. The problem with getting neutered that day was that I can't take a bath for at least three days. My stitches are dissolvable so I cannot lick them and especially cannot take a bath! I smell terrible! I was kept in a kennel that wasn't big enough for me, and I had to potty in there. I couldn't hold it forever! Since I am what they call a long-haired German Shepherd, there are lots of layers to get through before I can smell clean again.
Mom and Dad said "goodbye", and after they talked to the vet, I went back to have the procedure done. I'm two years old, and rather fond of my "cajones", but I guess it won't be the worst thing to let them go. As long as Mom and Dad come back for me, I will be okay.
Mom went back to work for a few hours. I imagine that she couldn't concentrate nor sit still while she was away from me. I felt the same way. The vet had to give her extra instructions when she picked me up around 5:30. I have an ear infection and hookworms, but things could always be worse! I couldn't wait to get in mom's car. She opened the back door and I waited for her to roll down the window. I stuck my head out for a few minutes as we drove away, but decided to lie down to nap once I knew we were going to be in the car for a while. At one point, mom forgot I was there, and she almost jumped when she saw me in the rear view mirror. She told me that I look like a bear!
I know I'm a big guy; I weigh 71.6 pounds and mom can feel all of my ribs. I have long hair which hides it, but I think I could definitely put on a few pounds! I have huge feet, and once could have had the potential to be much bigger, but I wasn't fed well and so I am underdeveloped. That's okay. Mom and Dad seem to like me the way I am--even though I smell like the kennel, pee, and who knows what else.
When they brought me home, I met my new sisters. One is very old but very pretty, and I like to follow her around. I would actually love it if she would be my girlfriend, but she is not interested. My other sister is about three times my age, and she just likes to play. I guess she is the alpha female in the house, because she keeps trying to assert her dominance on me. I am not sure what she is trying to prove by humping me, but I guess if it makes her feel better, whatever! After I met my new sisters, mom and dad were going to go to the store to get me some essentials, but I am kind of a brute and tried to break out through the gate in the backyard. They ended up having to take me to the store.
It ended up being okay that I went with, because I met my trainer at Petsmart, and he told mom and dad what to do when I start yipping. He also helped them by giving them information about crate training.
I don't know what crates are but I really don't know if I like mine. Mom and Dad kind of dove in and I was okay with it for about two hours before I about had an anxiety attack. Today was better. The crate is where I get hot dogs! I think I will be okay with the crate; it will just take a few days to adjust. Luckily for mom and dad, I am already housetrained. I know I had an owner at one point, but they left me tethered outside for most of my life. That's why I tend to bark a lot at other dogs. I really like to be inside. I hardly ever go outside unless it is to go potty or play with my sisters.
I played for nearly two hours with my sister earlier today. She loves to wrestle and play chase. I don't mind because it just feels good to stretch my legs. Mom gave me Benadryl at midnight last night, and again around 10 this morning. It helped calm my nerves so I was able to take a few good naps today.
I swear, when I got to my new home, it was like I had never peed before. Mom and dad laughed but I bet I peed five gallons in the backyard. I was just so nervous when I was at the shelter! I also threw up most of the food they fed me there, but I haven't thrown up anything my new mom and dad have given me. I grew up around girls so I pee like one. And even though I can never be totally sure that they will keep me forever, I feel much more comfortable here.
Mom and Dad are impressed by every little thing I do. When I learned I am not supposed to drink out of the toilet, they cheered. When I learned that dogs aren't allowed in the kitchen, they were very excited. I still forget this rule, but they keep reminding me. Every time I go in my kennel by myself, they give me pieces of hot dogs and tell me what a good boy I am. That's why it is easy to like the kennel! In fact, right now I am relaxing in my kennel. Mom keeps increasing the time I am in there. At first. I would only be in my kennel for about thirty seconds before she opened the door. Now I can be in my kennel for much longer without whining! I have quickly realized that the kennel is a magical place where I can just relax and get treats.
One thing I do not like about my new house is the cone of shame. I have to wear it whenever I start licking the stitches I have where my cajones used to be. Mom tries to distract me when I start so I don't have to wear it, but she can't watch me every second of the day.
I think I have been very therapeutic for mom. For some reason, I was meant to show up to the shelter when I did. Mom had been looking for me for months, but this week was the week I decided to show up at the shelter. For some reason, I was meant to go home with her yesterday so I could be with her today. I think she is going through a rough time because sometimes I look at her and she is crying. I don't know what an uncle is but she gets sad when she thinks about him. Hopefully I can make her feel better!
She is trying to make me feel better, too, but I really hate getting nystatin in my ears. I always know it's coming, too, so I try to hide in my kennel. She leaves me alone when I am in my kennel, so I have been able to escape the medicine a few times, but tonight she got both ears and then gave me some nasty tasting stuff so I don't have hookworms any more. I heard her talking on the phone, too, and I have to go to the vet on Wednesday. Hopefully my infections will be gone by then, and my surgical site from neutering will be healed up. I'm sure the vet will check me all over before he gives me the dreaded rabies shot. Mom can't wait to get me to the vet, though, because once we are done there and I get started on heartworm preventative, I can go to the groomer and maybe I won't smell so bad! Also, I'll get to go to the dog park. I have never been there but mom and dad like to go there every weekend. Today they discovered that I LOVE to chase tennis balls, but I don't always like to bring them back. I think they were just happy I showed some interest, because my sisters couldn't care less about tennis balls!
I'm pretty fast for a big guy. I look like a bear when I run. Mom and Dad can't wait to see if I like running once I start feeling better. They also think I will build up a lot of muscle once I put on some weight! Chances are, I'll get better looking every day. Soon I will learn some manners. Right now, I run into everything and everyone. When I have to wear the cone, I run into even more things. Mom cringes when I run into her china hutch. I've only done it twice and luckily I haven't broken anything yet!
Well, I just wanted to let you know that I am adjusting well. Thanks for tuning in to my adventures as a dog who finally has a home and family.
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