Tuesday, May 14, 2013


My husband is a Russian spy that wants me kidnapped.

Is that true? Maybe. He left the front door unlocked and unarmed this morning when he left. It’s hard to blame someone who was sweet enough to bring home Sprite, NyQuil, and chicken soup. (It is kind of fair since he brought home the sickness.) He brought it home to me, and his friend took it home to his wife. We went shopping yesterday, and she and I did okay until we were about half an hour from home. Then it really hit both of us. Her nose hurts from sneezing. My throat feels like it is on fire and my nose is sore from blowing it.

I really have to make a trip to the commissary. Oofda. Not looking forward to that. The commissary is going to be blessed with yoga pants and a t-shirt from this girl. At least I put in my contacts. That was the really tough thing to get done this morning. I slept 10 hours thanks to NyQuil, and I plan on sleeping again later after I get some stuff done around the house. It’s amazing how quickly your house falls apart when you’re not feeling well. My house looks like a tornado went through it. And splattered Kleenexes and food all over.

It’s probably a good thing that I’m not feeling well, otherwise I would be posting my favorite moments from The Office all over Facebook every five minutes. I don’t know if the Facebook world can handle my grief. I just watched the Farewells by the Office and it really just summed it all up. The Office fans are some of the most dedicated there are.

I did not get much done today, other than mail off some paperwork and get groceries for the next week. I helped two elderly people get things from the top shelf (I do this almost every time I go to the commissary) and an old man saw my Nebraska sweatshirt and said, "WHOA! Watch out for the Cornhusker! They'll run you right over!" He then proceeded to ask me about football where I gave the standard, "We'll see this year!" because I honestly couldn't give a flying flip about football (sorry y'all). I also got some necessities for day 3 of the deathly cold (cough drops, Puffs plus Lotion for my raw nose, and Oreos). I still feel terrible. Chris doesn’t feel any better. He called this afternoon and I had to chuckle a little because we both sound like death. I powered through the day with the help of some food from McDonald’s. I always crave junk like that when I’m sick like this. I caved.


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