Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Boxes Are Gone!!

It has been a great morning so far! Chris had to do some paperwork so he got to come home for about half an hour. I don't know that I would call that "quality time" since we were fixing one of his papers but I will take it! Chris forgot to mention last night that he needed to fast because they were doing medical this morning and blood work, so the french toast I made at 0400 was no good. It was no good when he came home at 0800 either because he still hadn't had his blood drawn. I suppose that is alright, though, because now he can have it tomorrow!

The movers came this morning to get boxes. It was glorious. I was so excited that I made about 30 trips up and down the stairs to bring all the boxes right next to the front door for them. Unfortunately--they went through all of the boxes and I had forgotten about some broken glass in one of them. Whoops, I got the stink eye. Oh well, the boxes are gone and I am a happy camper! I had been putting off scouring the house because what was the sense of that knowing full well that all of it would probably be brought back in when they came anyway. I think Chris will be very happy to come home to the cookies and bars I plan to make today, as well as a house the cleanest it's been since we got here!

Chris made me a POA this week, so I can go to DEERS myself if need be as well as work with TMO (which of course I can't wait to do because TMO is usually full of smiling angels). The part of our piano that holds up the music so you can read it snapped on the way here from Nebraska, so we are hoping to get that fully covered. I can't wait until twenty years down the road when I am an insane Marine wife pro so I can see girls like me who look hopeless and lost and take them under my wing and show them how to make TMO eat cookies out of my hand. Okay, truthfully, I haven't worked with TMO here at Quantico yet, I just know that the TMO at Offutt was NOT a happy place until we had EXACTLY what they wanted. We printed Chris' orders off about five times before they were "not smudged" and "dark enough to read". Faxes and scans are great until they are your orders and they are "too faint to read". REGARDLESS, we made it here and that was a majority of the battle.

The spouses are getting together on Thursday for Mexican food and I look forward to that as I haven't been out much. My new friend Sarah will be running with me that morning, meaning we can eat whatever we want later with less feelings of guilt! It is so nice to get out of the house and hang out with people. I, unfortunately, have a huge problem with the fact that Chris is the only one working for money while I feel like I sit on my butt at home eating bon bons. (Truthfully I don't eat bon bons but I do spend a lot of my time baking sweets. And of course, taste-testing.)

My new friend Nancy from across the street came over last night. I didn't think Chris would be home until 2100 and her husband wouldn't either, so she came over and we had a couple of drinks. She is from Panama so she brought me a bottle of Seco Herrerano, which you treat like vodka (a 100-proof vodka). I'm excited to try it but will also make sure there is nothing important going on the next day for Chris or I, because she did mention it can steal your memory as well. SO, me, not being a heavy drinker, should probably take it easy with that one.

The dogs are outside today. I forced them to stay out there because they have been inside with me straight for the past two days. I think they can handle a little outside time. I think I might head out there for a while, too. Maybe work on my pastey-whiteness and flip through some cookbooks for ideas for the next few weeks! I should be a 4-star chef in no time!

Also, you know you're a Marine wife when your iPhone autocorrects "OCD" to "OCS".


  1. I googled so I mow know what DEERS is. TMO I knew because you may have mentioned it was pleasant dealing with them at Offutt a time or two, but I wasn't sure what exactly what it stood for, and POA I guessed...correctly, I might add and thank you very much. :P

    Your new friends all sound wonderful! So glad you have people there to help you out, and I know you will do the same when you can.

    Seco Herrerano. I like Nancy already. :)

    Love you!

  2. Bwahahahaha! Could be. :( By the way, I got sunburned on Sunday and today I have snow blindness.
