Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A nurse without a first aid kit

There is something truly terrifying about a slow cooker, because you can put all that work and all of those ingredients into that thing and in six hours…it MIGHT taste like crap. And then what? You scramble and whip up some spaghetti? Typically I am known to my friends as a walking plethora of recipes. I have a bunch of cookbooks, religiously pin on Pinterest, and check allrecipes when I get stuck.

So tonight I am making Spinach Alfredo Lasagna in the slow cooker. I have high hopes, but also know that I didn’t layer it like the cookbook wanted. Excuse me, but I do not have time to alternate and make fifty layers. So instead I did it how I wanted to and we might end up with lasagna soup, but I think we will survive.

I already set myself up for failure by making too good of food this week. Greek Chicken Wings on Sunday with Cucumber Dill sauce, Turkey Pecan Enchiladas last night…

Chris’ expectations are too high for me right now. I can’t take the pressure!

Okay, later, Chris came home and we had a great dinner. Even though I stray from the recipe, it turned out to be delicious. We might end up having a dinner this week that is just for leftovers, because our fridge is full!

I am so obsessed with SnapChat. It’s the one way that I talk to a lot of people every day. This afternoon I sent out a photo of my garden with the caption, “How doth your garden grow?” I got the funniest responses. Either it was people making sad faces, an entire field of corn, or a photo of one sad, little potted plant. Aside from Sheila, who sent me photos to make me feel bad about all of the changes I am missing out on in my parents’ house. And then when I tell her she’s rude she sends back a photo of her evil cat with the caption, “I’ll show you rude.”

I am trying to get to sleep soon. I took some melatonin because my sleep schedule is off again. I was used to Chris being gone, so I didn’t wake up early in the mornings. Now he’s home, so I have been getting up at weird hours and had lots of trouble getting back to sleep. I need to get to sleep tonight though because tomorrow I am going to D.C. with some of my friends and some of their family from Ohio! We are taking the metro, which is a new experience for me. I’m hoping to test the waters in order to be the perfect tour guide for my parents and brother when they come visit!

Today was one of those days when I just couldn’t help but think about how wonderful of a person my husband is. I have been doing this a lot lately, but today I was thinking about way back when, when we first started dating. Chris always used to play with my ring finger. And whenever I would wear a ring he would play with it. It was always so sweet.

I think I have been watching too much of “The Bachelorette” and “Ready For Love”, but one of the boys did mention that one of the girls just fit perfectly into his arms. I remember thinking that, too. That when Chris would hug me it just felt like I belonged there, like puzzle pieces. He’s sleeping next to me and I can’t help but smile knowing he is mine.

Nalli and I went for a run today. She wore her backpack and we ran three miles. She was exhausted by the time we were done! She was panting like crazy and I felt bad, but she is silent tonight-which she never is. Kids love to talk about our dogs. They always have to say how pretty they are, but today one kid said, “That dog looks like a wolf!” I almost tripped while we were running and one thought went through my brain at that point, “I AM A NURSE WHO DOES NOT OWN A FIRST AID KIT”.


I am just about positive that Ruby has doggy Alzheimer’s. She had the UTI a couple of weeks ago and we finished up her pills tonight. I think the UTI has cleared up. Pacing/Anxiousness: She did this tonight. She wanted in then out, and out, and in, and out. She didn’t want to go outside and then she didn’t want to come in. She’s been inappropriately going to the bathroom, meaning inside. Not cool. And it’s not because I don’t let her out enough-she goes out all the time. She’s not eating as much as she used to. She slept all day and now she’s awake tonight. And she doesn’t listen to me (this is not new, she never listens to me). SO maybe she is just having a weird, odd day, but I don’t think this is going to pass. She is AT LEAST 11 years old after all. And 11 for a husky is fairly old. I think she might crank out another couple of years, though, just to spite me.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say the lilac tree under your bedroom window smells lovely. :)
